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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Allow Anonymous Users to view images

posts: 6 Australia


I’m using Tiki Wiki 24.0

I would like Anonymous Users to be able to view any images on my wiki but can’t work out which Permissions to set.

I currently have selected for Anonymous users:

Wiki permissions
Can view page/pages (tiki_p_view)

File galleries
Can list file galleries (tiki_p_list_file_galleries)
Can view file galleries (tiki_p_view_file_gallery)
Can view file galleries explorer (tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer)

Can see the category in a listing (tiki_p_view_category)

The above only seems to allow Admin to view images. Is there another Permission setting I need to enable to allow Anonymous Users to view images, please ?

The following wiki page has 6 images.


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