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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

fantastico (not so fantastico)

posts: 7

A lot people are coming to this site after having done a TikiWiki install with Fantastico (a cPanel feature) and reporting various problems. 😢

Will this issues be address?
And if so, what is the solution?

At this point, I'm being told to do a FTP install and forget using Fantastico... that's fine with me, but what about the fool of people right behind me (all reporting the same issue)??? I suggest setting up a support form devoted to Fantastico issues. At the very least, it will be easy for people to spot as they enter the site look for help.


fantastico search

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

I believe it would be better to send this to the not-so-fantastico people themselves. Dont you have to pay for fantastico? Surely they must offer support. I know its not a TikiWiki problem as there are many many installations running without problem.


posts: 7

> Damian:
> I believe it would be better to send this to the not-so-fantastico people themselves. Dont you have to pay for fantastico? Surely they must offer support. I know its not a TikiWiki problem as there are many many installations running without problem.

I understand your point of view, however; there are literally thousands of people who use cPanel every day... that means untold numbers of people are going to use Fantastico to auto-install Titiwiki... some will filter to this site for support... the rest will just give up think the application is flawed (and may tell others not use it). This may not be your problem--but it is certainly creating a problem for you.

To answer your question, Fantastico is free. As I understand it, they offer no support. Many hosting company use cPanel and may pay extra to have Fantastico loaded so they can then offer it free to the end user... that's a lot of people!

Just thought I'd give you a heads up.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> I understand your point of view, however; there are literally thousands of people who use cPanel every day... that means untold numbers of people are going to use Fantastico to auto-install Titiwiki... some will filter to this site for support... the rest will just give up think the application is flawed (and may tell others not use it). This may not be your problem--but it is certainly creating a problem for you.

Yep, but we have nothing to do with the installation script non-so-fantastico uses, they will need informing of the problem so they can fix it themselves.

> To answer your question, Fantastico is free. As I understand it, they offer no support. Many hosting company use cPanel and may pay extra to have Fantastico loaded so they can then offer it free to the end user... that's a lot of people!

A quick google and from what I can see you pay for it: http://www.netenberg.com/shop/index.php?cPath=21

At least there are now 2 forum threads saying fantastico installation doesnt work.


posts: 7

> Damian:
> I believe it would be better to send this to the not-so-fantastico people themselves. Dont you have to pay for fantastico? Surely they must offer support. I know its not a TikiWiki problem as there are many many installations running without problem.

I understand your point of view, however; there are literally thousands of people who use cPanel every day... that means untold numbers of people are going to use Fantastico to auto-install Titiwiki... some will filter to this site for support... the rest will just give up think the application is flawed (and may tell others not use it). This may not be your problem--but it is certainly creating a problem for you.

To answer your question, Fantastico is free. As I understand it, they offer no support. Many hosting company use cPanel and may pay extra to have Fantastico loaded so they can then offer it free to the end user... that's a lot of people!

Just thought I'd give you a heads up.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> I understand your point of view, however; there are literally thousands of people who use cPanel every day... that means untold numbers of people are going to use Fantastico to auto-install Titiwiki... some will filter to this site for support... the rest will just give up think the application is flawed (and may tell others not use it). This may not be your problem--but it is certainly creating a problem for you.

Yep, but we have nothing to do with the installation script non-so-fantastico uses, they will need informing of the problem so they can fix it themselves.

> To answer your question, Fantastico is free. As I understand it, they offer no support. Many hosting company use cPanel and may pay extra to have Fantastico loaded so they can then offer it free to the end user... that's a lot of people!

A quick google and from what I can see you pay for it: http://www.netenberg.com/shop/index.php?cPath=21

At least there are now 2 forum threads saying fantastico installation doesnt work.


posts: 3

I just tried installing from Fantastico and got an error message claiming that a pre-existing file in my root folder couldn't be overwritten (there were only a couple of default files for FP extensions). Eventually I created a subfolder and was able to install into that without apparent problems.

Now I am still unable to access the admin page. However my URL is brandnew and hasn't had time to propagate yet. I'm also unable to access the admin page by substituting the domain with the IP. Anyone know if that is to be expected? Should I just be patient until my URL has propagated, or am I experiencing the same problem as others have had?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> Now I am still unable to access the admin page. However my URL is brandnew and hasn't had time to propagate yet. I'm also unable to access the admin page by substituting the domain with the IP. Anyone know if that is to be expected? Should I just be patient until my URL has propagated, or am I experiencing the same problem as others have had?

Sounds to me like your PHP memory_limit is set to 8Mb. Tiki needs at least 16Mb to run, failure to render admin pages is typical of the memory Limit setting

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

> Now I am still unable to access the admin page. However my URL is brandnew and hasn't had time to propagate yet. I'm also unable to access the admin page by substituting the domain with the IP. Anyone know if that is to be expected? Should I just be patient until my URL has propagated, or am I experiencing the same problem as others have had?

Sounds to me like your PHP memory_limit is set to 8Mb. Tiki needs at least 16Mb to run, failure to render admin pages is typical of the memory Limit setting

posts: 3

Thanks for your suggestion, Damian. Unfortunately I'm limited to CPanel/Fantastico's options. I can't see any option to view the PHP memory setting, never mind change it.

However, my domain has now propagated, and I'm able to login. So it seems the simple workaround for Fantastico install problems, is to install into a subfolder (and if necessary, put a simple index page in the root of public_html that autoforwards to the Tiki homepage).

Incidentally, the only "file" that I can see (including .files), that conflicts with the pre-existing deafult files, is the "images" folder.

One further point about Fantastico, it has installed v1.8.2, which I gather is not considered a stable release yet.

posts: 10 United Kingdom

> One further point about Fantastico, it has installed v1.8.2, which I gather is not considered a stable release yet.

1.8.2 is testing, 1.7.7 is stable and 1.9 is development/unstable.


posts: 10 United Kingdom

> One further point about Fantastico, it has installed v1.8.2, which I gather is not considered a stable release yet.

1.8.2 is testing, 1.7.7 is stable and 1.9 is development/unstable.


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