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How to create range filter for 2 dates from 2 tracker fields in a custom search

posts: 8654 France


On a tracker I have 2 date fields From and To
I have a trackeritem with this values:

  • From (2022-11-28)
  • To (2022-12-28)

On a customsearch plugin I want to filter all the items within a range between those fields, find any items within the range of those fields. Kind of something that do any flight or hostel reservation (check-in check-out).

At https://doc.tiki.org/PluginCustomSearch#Date_Range_Picker I see examples but for a single field like modification date. Does anyone has the formula to use the date range picker but using 2 dates ?

posts: 126892 United Kingdom

So do you mean you do a list plugin (say) on the first tracker, and then want to use the result from that to set a range in another subsequent customsearch?

Never tried that but it should be possible if you get all the {literal} tags sorted out - but i'm not sure that's what you mean?

posts: 8654 France

No no plugin list involved.

I would like ONE customsearch with a filter made of 2 date picker to output results between 2 dates from 2 tracker fields. (datestart and dateend)

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