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Architecture / Installation

Problem repairing the search index of a tikiwiki v 17.2

posts: 4 Colombia

Good afternoon everyone.

I have a problem repairing the search index of a Tikiwiki version 17.2.

I have tried to repair the search index with the following command:

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php -dmemory_limit=15G -dmax_execution_time=1000 /opt/bitnami/apps/tiki/htdocs/console.php index:rebuild --log

And I get this error:

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2023-01-05T07:10:01-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “155” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:01-08:00 INFO (6): addDocument forum post 48 {"memoryUsage":136202608} No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:03-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “48” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:03-08:00 INFO (6): addDocument forum post 127 {"memoryUsage":136226576} No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:05-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “127” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:05-08:00 INFO (6): addDocument forum post 26 {"memoryUsage":136239656} No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:06-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “26” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:06-08:00 INFO (6): addDocument forum post 33 {"memoryUsage":136264208} No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:08-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “33” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:08-08:00 INFO (6): addDocument forum post 32 {"memoryUsage":136265312} No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:09-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “32” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:09-08:00 INFO (6): addDocument forum post 27 {"memoryUsage":136266416} No value assigned bytes 2023-01-05T07:10:11-08:00 ERR (3): Indexing failed while processing “27” (type forum post) with the error “Could not perform index modification: Data too long for column ‘contents’ at row 1” No value assigned bytes

And so on...

I then tried to repair the tables directly in MYSQL:

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mysqlcheck --user root --password --repair --databases tiki

But it only repaired the indexes (MyISAM search engine), not the rest of the tables (InnoDB search engine) and I had to change the search engine from InnoDB to MyISAM to be able to repair the tables. Finally I repair them but the build index command still does not work.

I have been thinking that maybe I could delete the information of the tables that are failing in the index rebuild but I really don't know where to find them.

I am also trying to upgrade the tikiwiki thinking that maybe this could solve the problem of the rebuild index but I am not sure.

If someone could help me a little bit, saying me if I should still trying to repair the index and upgrade the tikiwiki or is better a fresh installation and migrate the database.

Thank you very much.

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