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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Tiki 26.0 Alpha

posts: 95
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist wrote:

Missing "yourPHP" library and package, GD Image, curl, bcmath and others ?

Check this list (just change for your PHP version)

Thanks Bernard that seemed to work and i have completed the installation at least.
I am not a programmer so there was a bit of trial and error.
In case it's a help to someone else, I have cpanel hosting with Ventraip.com.au
and the options in the attached graphic worked. The pale blue items were defaults and the darker blue the additional options i chose.

The above was for a clean install with a new database.
However I a now getting a memory error when upgrading a v25.1 database, see the graphic below.

Screenshot 2023 06 25 122522

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