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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Is there a way to add a next tracker item button?

posts: 75 United States

I have a Tracker that I'm adding scans of *thousands* of historical photos to. I'm adding the photos in a Tracker so I can add data like date, year, location, subject, and people. I know I can view the photos in the File Gallery but that won't show the extra details. The File Gallery also includes my erroneous uploads that aren't in the Tracker.

I'd like to be able to scroll through Tracker items. Something like a button for previous Tracker item and next Tracker item would be nice. Is this a feature available?

Here is an example of what I would like.
Items In Tracker

posts: 8638 Israel
Jeffrey Frady wrote:
I'd like to be able to scroll through Tracker items. Something like a button for previous Tracker item and next Tracker item would be nice. Is this a feature available?

I'm pretty sure we have (had?) in Tiki tracker item view an option to display a pagination bar (Previous Item, Next item) under the item view. (was started by @bertrand Gugger)

I think this is related to the pagination block but I can't remember/find how to enable it on Tiki26.

May be someone else has a better answer ?

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