Features / Usability

Features / Usability

[SOLVED] Is Docs page for 'Google Analytics' updated for GA4?

posts: 228 Ukraine

Specifically, "Your account number from Google looks like UA-XXXXXXX-YY"
There are no numbers like this in GA.
Maybe these instructions were for 'Universal'? (now deprecated)

I tried adding my top level 'Account ID' into 'Look&Feel > Customization > Google Analytics account number' but Google does not recognize this.

Also tried adding the a 'Property ID' into this field, 'Stream ID' and 'Measurement ID', none worked.

I also manually cut and pasted the Google Tag code into 'Look&Feel > Customization > Custom HTML head content', which I should not have done as it clearly stated "Copy and paste it in the code of every page of your website, immediately after the element", so, it locked up the site completely, had to revert to a backup database and reinstall Tiki.

I suppose I can go through the Tiki files at my hosting, find the html code and try and add this, but this would be going too far off on a tangent.

Anyone tried GA4 with Tiki?

posts: 228 Ukraine

Although Tiki is not updated for GA4, the simple work around is to use PluginJS.

Per the instructions in Google Analytics:

"you can manually add the Google tag to your website by copying and pasting it in the code of every page of your website immediately after the 'head' element. "
