User Information
Profile picture (User Icon):

Real Name:
Mike Finko

English (en)
Personal Wiki Page:
Last login:
Friendship Network
Relationship of this user to you
User Mike Finko
has contributed to the following content…
Wiki Pages
- Add Consultant
- Bring people to Tiki
- CRM Reality Check
- Get Tiki
- Roundtable Meeting 2020 07
- Roundtable Meeting 2020 08
- Roundtable Meeting 2020 09
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 01
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 02
- Test
- TikiFest Virtual 2021
- TikiFest2018 Montreal papercut
- UserPagemikeua
Forum comments
- Is PluginFont working? Or special configuration necessary?
- Is PluginFont working? Or special configuration necessary?
- [SOLVED] Is Docs page for 'Google Analytics' updated for GA4?
- Bug in PluginIcon preventing correct re-sizing?
- [SOLVED] Bug in PluginIcon preventing correct re-sizing?
- [SOLVED] Is Docs page for 'Google Analytics' updated for GA4?
- Is Docs page for 'Google Analytics' updated for GA4?
- [SOLVED] Is Docs page for 'Google Analytics' updated for GA4?
- Automating Export of Tracker Tabular
- Automating Export of Tracker Tabular
- Automating Export of Tracker Tabular
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- Feedback: CodeMirror (syntax highlighter) / Python
- Strange - replies to posts no longer appear at the top?
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- Tiki doesn't like a 'Union' SQL statement
- htmx
- htmx
- Problems with 'Sub-Forum' Usability
- PluginMediaPlayer Firefox support
- List Execute, 'delete' tracker item configuration
- List Execute, 'delete' tracker item configuration
- Hide trackeritem status
- [SOLVED] List Execute, 'delete' tracker item configuration
- Display existing value into PluginTracker form
- No 'Safety' feature for 'Show Delete' in PluginTrackerList
- Inline editing option per field
- How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- [SOLVED] How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- Problems with 'Sub-Forum' Usability
- Registration visibility
- Problems with 'Sub-Forum' Usability
- Does 'Tracker Field Rules' work on Wiki Pages?
- Problems with 'Sub-Forum' Usability
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- How to move carousel to the center of the page?
- How to move carousel to the center of the page?
- How to move carousel to the center of the page?
- How to move carousel to the center of the page?
- Need: tiki_p_admin_groups
- Auto Generate Message to Admin
- Need: tiki_p_admin_groups
- How to move carousel to the center of the page?
- TrackerFilter 'multiple select' printing problem
- TrackerFilter 'multiple select' printing problem
- Plugin Carousel - poor behavior when loading a wiki page
- [CLOSED] TrackerFilter 'multiple select' printing problem
- Plugin List - does Text Area 'Display Limit (List)' work?
- Plugin List - does Text Area 'Display Limit (List)' work?
- Plugin List - does Text Area 'Display Limit (List)' work?
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- Plugin LIST with 'Icons' field + in-line edit
- Plugin LIST with 'Icons' field + in-line edit
- Plugin LIST with 'Icons' field + in-line edit
- Plugin LIST with 'Icons' field + in-line edit
- What is the correct LIST syntax to add 'delete' (item) functionality?
- What is the correct LIST syntax to add 'delete' (item) functionality?
- [SOLVED] What is the correct LIST syntax to add 'delete' (item) functionality?
- Does 'Tracker Field Rules' work on Wiki Pages?
- PluginLIST - how to correctly configure 'user' field to display?
- PluginLIST - how to correctly configure 'user' field to display?
- PluginLIST - how to correctly configure 'user' field to display?
- [SOLVED] PluginLIST - how to correctly configure 'user' field to display?
- Does 'Tracker Field Rules' work on Wiki Pages?
- Does 'Tracker Field Rules' work on Wiki Pages?
- [SOLVED] Does 'Tracker Field Rules' work on Wiki Pages?
- Dropdown menus displaying what should be hidden
- [SOLVED] Dopdown menus displaying what should be hidden
- How can I add blank fluid grid sections?
- How can I add blank fluid grid sections?
- A poor decision by the Tiki Admins
- A poor decision by the Tiki Admins
- 'Divide by Zero' warning
- A poor decision by the Tiki Admins
- 'Divide by Zero' warning
- [SOLVED] 'Divide by Zero' warning
- A very awesome Tiki 21!!
- Do all Tiki installations need to go in the 'public html' folder?
- Help with PluginList item directing to tpl
- Unable to configure 'Font Awesome' Icons in Menu
- Unable to configure 'Font Awesome' Icons in Menu
- Help with PluginList item directing to tpl
- Problem when deleting a Wiki page
- mathematical calculation tracker field
- Help with PluginList item directing to tpl
- Import touchscreen signature from raspberry Pi to tracker
- Can re-indexing skip 'Closed' Tracker items...
- Help with PluginList item directing to tpl
- [SOLVED] Help with PluginList item directing to tpl
- mathematical calculation tracker field
- mathematical calculation tracker field
- mathematical calculation tracker field
- mathematical calculation tracker field
- File upload fails with php 7.0+
- File upload fails with php 7.0+
- File upload fails with php 7.0+
- File upload fails with php 7.0+
- File upload fails with php 7.0+
- Re: Editing Main Menu
- Re: Tiki-Check.php will not load
- 'Composer' does not work with shared hosting
- Re: upgrade to 18 renamed all wiki page names
- Re: upgrade to 18 renamed all wiki page names
- upgrade to 18 renamed all wiki page names
- Re: Re: Change Header Background Color
- Re: Re: Change Header Background Color
- Re: Re: Change Header Background Color
- Re: Re: problems with indexing
- Re: problems with indexing
- problems with indexing
- Re: Re: can a 'status' be assigned to a user?
- can a 'status' be assigned to a user?
- 500 Server Error when trying to export via phpMyAdmin
- TrackerList - 3 issues, ShowLinks , Status & Pagination
- sent to 404 page after editing tracker item
- Re: Re: how can I remove "Value will be re-calculated on save. Current value:"?
- how can I remove "Value will be re-calculated on save. Current value:"?
- Re: Re: help with properly configuring tracker templates in Tiki15
- el Finder language issue
- Re: Re: Tiki installation stopped working
- Re: Tiki installation stopped working
- Re: Re: Re: Tiki installation stopped working
- Tiki installation stopped working
- Re: Re: help with properly configuring tracker templates in Tiki15
- TW15, display of header background pic on different size screens
- Re: tracker templates in Tiki15 working?
- help with properly configuring tracker templates in Tiki15
- Re: Tiki15 - displaying photos in horizontal format
- Re: Tiki15 - displaying photos in horizontal format
- Re: Test
- Re: Tiki15 - displaying photos in horizontal format
- Tiki15 - displaying photos in horizontal format
- Re: table 'users_objectpermissions" missing in Tiki15
- table 'users_objectpermissions" missing in Tiki15
- importing time errors
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Re: Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Re: Strasa theme not showing theme options in Tiki15
- Re: Strasa theme not showing theme options in Tiki15
- Strasa theme not showing theme options in Tiki15
- Re: help changing page background to a picture
- help changing page background to a picture
- Re: tracker list - decimal places
- deleted post
- help with advanced formula
- Re: Re: theme: Green Valley
- Re: Re: theme: Green Valley
- Re: theme: Green Valley
- theme: Green Valley
- Re: .csv import with complex trackers does not work
- Re: Re: mathematical calculation tracker field
- .csv import with complex trackers does not work
- tracker list - decimal places
- Re: mathematical calculation tracker field
- Re: mathematical calculation tracker field
- mathematical calculation tracker field
- Re: Re: Extract data from Tikiwiki
- Re: Extract data from Tikiwiki
Forum topics
- Is PluginFont working? Or special configuration necessary?
- [SOLVED] Bug in PluginIcon preventing correct re-sizing?
- [SOLVED] Is Docs page for 'Google Analytics' updated for GA4?
- Automating Export of Tracker Tabular
- Feedback: CodeMirror (syntax highlighter) / Python
- Strange - replies to posts no longer appear at the top?
- Tiki doesn't like a 'Union' SQL statement
- htmx
- PluginMediaPlayer Firefox support
- [SOLVED] List Execute, 'delete' tracker item configuration
- No 'Safety' feature for 'Show Delete' in PluginTrackerList
- [SOLVED] How can I 'hide' the 'page action' button...
- Problems with 'Sub-Forum' Usability
- Need: tiki_p_admin_groups
- [CLOSED] TrackerFilter 'multiple select' printing problem
- Plugin List - does Text Area 'Display Limit (List)' work?
- Plugin List - how can column width be set?
- Plugin LIST with 'Icons' field + in-line edit
- [SOLVED] What is the correct LIST syntax to add 'delete' (item) functionality?
- [SOLVED] PluginLIST - how to correctly configure 'user' field to display?
- [SOLVED] Does 'Tracker Field Rules' work on Wiki Pages?
- [SOLVED] Dopdown menus displaying what should be hidden
- How can I add blank fluid grid sections?
- A poor decision by the Tiki Admins
- [SOLVED] 'Divide by Zero' warning
- A very awesome Tiki 21!!
- Do all Tiki installations need to go in the 'public html' folder?
- Unable to configure 'Font Awesome' Icons in Menu
- Can re-indexing skip 'Closed' Tracker items...
- [SOLVED] Help with PluginList item directing to tpl
- File upload fails with php 7.0+
- 'Composer' does not work with shared hosting
- upgrade to 18 renamed all wiki page names
- problems with indexing
- can a 'status' be assigned to a user?
- 500 Server Error when trying to export via phpMyAdmin
- TrackerList - 3 issues, ShowLinks , Status & Pagination
- sent to 404 page after editing tracker item
- how can I remove "Value will be re-calculated on save. Current value:"?
- el Finder language issue
- Tiki installation stopped working
- TW15, display of header background pic on different size screens
- help with properly configuring tracker templates in Tiki15
- Tiki15 - displaying photos in horizontal format
- table 'users_objectpermissions" missing in Tiki15
- importing time errors
- Tiki not upgrading (12.4 > 12.9)
- Strasa theme not showing theme options in Tiki15
- help changing page background to a picture
- deleted post
- help with advanced formula
- theme: Green Valley
- .csv import with complex trackers does not work
- tracker list - decimal places
- mathematical calculation tracker field