Features / Usability

Features / Usability

How to move carousel to the center of the page?

posts: 228 Ukraine

I just tested, and you are correct, a bit rough - had to reload the page to get it to work.

This is how I set it up:

Copy to clipboard
{FLUIDGRID(joincols="n" colsize="4|4|4")} --- {carousel type="fgalId" fgalId="6" thumbnailType="none" autoPilot="1" displayProgressBar="1" displayThumbnails="1" displayThumbnailNumbers="1" displayThumbnailBackground="1" clickable="0"} --- {FLUIDGRID}

Plugin Carousel is a bit old, better to use Plugin Swiper - the only issue I found with it is when applying the '3D Cube' effect (the best one, too!). All the other configurations work good.


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