Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Help with opening links in new window

posts: 4 Greece

Thank you for your time Jonny!
The first comment I don't know hou to apply it because the links are results of a trackerfilter/plugin list, that are displayed in a table so i cannot write some code there ...

I tried your second suggestion with plugin list ... but didn't work ...
In my case the tracker permanent name (which i want to make it a link that opens in a new window) is "registrationemail_2678" ... so following your suggestion i wrote:

Copy to clipboard
{FORMAT(name="registrationemail_2678")}[item{display name="object_id"}|{display name="tracker_field_registrationemail_2678"}|_blank]{FORMAT}

Also tried the following using "target" instead "_blank" ... still with no luck ...

Copy to clipboard
{FORMAT(name="registrationemail_2678")}[item{display name="object_id"}|{display name="tracker_field_registrationemail_2678"}|target]{FORMAT}

The link is opening but in the same window ...
(The "open external links in new window" is checked)

Any other ideas???

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