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Features / Usability

Konqueror rendering problems

posts: 23 Germany

most styles have problems to display usable in konqueror (at least in 3.2.2). The left col doesn't pushes other areas like the mid area away. You get a left col partially overlapping or hided by the mid area content. (See attached image)
If you add a 1pt border to the main table you can see that the left col only get a width of something like 10px. Reloading (F5) resolves the rendering problem until the next klick.
It must be a problem coming from the css code. When you provide a blank css file the problem is away.
My solution is to add a spacer gif with the width of the col in the left col. This leads to correct rendering in Ie and Konqueror.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Interesting approach. There are many many factors with styling in Tiki and if you can develop a style that moves away from the typical 3 column layout you are cured for example http://www.damosoft.co.uk

There is also the LeftColBug which affects Mozilla and is known to be an actual bug inthe browser itself. I've been running 1.7 for a while now and it seems to be fixed.

Maybe Luciash might comment more. He runs KDE and also the KDE wiki using TikiWiki.

Certainly tho, not all styles are compatible with all browsers, that is a known Tiki fact. Moreneat is about the best developed style, so if you want to create your own theme, copy moreneat css and templates as use them as your base.


posts: 23 Germany

I think there is some urgent cleanup in the style sheets needed. Even with morenat.css you get problems in different browsers.
E.g if you look this thread here with moreneat and konqueror. You dont see any anwers. You just get my first message and all answers are invisibel. This is very awful. A normal user doesn't look into the html code to see if there is more. I dont't get it yet why this happens but I love tikiwiki and think it should display at least usable in most browsers.
I guess that safari use the same rendering engine as konqueror, so if there is anyone out there with this browser having the same problem?

posts: 23 Germany

kjust find that one. If you got a broken layout in konqueror you can open the admin menu, if you have it, from the application bar. Then - and I don't now why - the miracle starts and the page layout rediplay ok. So the problem seems to come from the Application menu.
Here on tikiwiki.org the rendering problem is gone and the problem that replys in forum threads are invisible is away too!

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