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image galleries woes

posts: 5

i've been having problems with the image galleries ever since i've installed tikiwiki.

i'm using mozilla.

sometimes the upload completes but there is no successful upload output. the image gets uploaded and the page just sits there.

when files do get uploaded, i cannot view them, nor the thumbnails. i've been snooping around show_image.php but have had little success.

is it a permission problem?

i was using 1.7 at first, then upgraded to 1.8. the image galleries don't work in both.

can someone help me? this is really a show-stopper for me... 😑

posts: 154 United Kingdom
It sounds like your server has not got read rights to the show_image.php file. Check the permissions of the file and if that is the problem change to apache or www if using apache server unsure if using IIS server.

posts: 6 Netherlands

I think I've got the same problem, also first with 1.7, now 1.8. In my case uploading relatively small image works ok, but large images (e.g. 1500x1024 jpg) result in an empty upload)image.php. The filesize is in the order of 100 - 500kB.

Using Gnome's epiphany instead of mozilla doesn't help.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Check the value of your PHP Memory Limit in the php.ini, default installations have 8Mb, tiki and image galleries needs about 32Mb!

Remember to reboot or properly restart the web server when you save the php.ini


posts: 5

did a bit of tracing and found that tiki is actually dying here, in the function "readimagefromstring" :

$this->imagehandle = imagecreatefromstring($this->image);

it fails with no error message given. i didn't see any error in the logs. what's happening? is it a corrupted php installation?

posts: 5

i'm on virtual hosting, so i don't think i can change any of the core php settings. can i do a ini_set for that? and why would it need 32M when i only have 1 gallery with 1 image?

unlike lckarssen, i can't even get small files to work, i'am trying files less than 50kb all the time. and the server definitely has read permissions to show_image.php, because i can call it directly from the browser.

posts: 4664 Japan

Just for general information, I'm running Tiki on a hostrocket.com server and have only 8MB for PHP execution. I had problems related to memory back at Tiki 1.6 or something, but not recently. Well, sometimes the site is quite slow for awhile, but I don't think that's related to this. At another server I'm using Tiki with 32MB memory; I don't see any performance differences in the two sites.

-- Gary (chibaguy)

posts: 2

I've got the same problem!!!
uploads works for images about 300x350 but not for greater than 500x300 😢

posts: 8 United States

there's definitely something broke.
I also have 'Gallery' installed on the same machine,
you know the php photo software package and it works like a champ. So it
can't be the way I have my php configured. By the way
this gives me a chance to trash php, but that's another story.
- greg s.