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Automatic HTML recovery

posts: 11


I'd like to shake hands and say hello to everyone cause I'm new here.

I'd like to ask you what you think of this. To avoid forgotten opened Tags we should rewrite the part (mainly smarty I think) that outputs everything so that it counts all types of tags and creates the closed partners. This will be likly the wrong arrangement, but if we simply comment that part in the Source, the author could easly spot the wrong point. So we could allow HTML on TikiWiki.org with some restrictions like special tags etc.

What do you think ?

Maddi www.chaoticarts.de

posts: 49 Uruguay

This could mean understand the beginning and the end of each tag, control at the end what ones were not closed (not counting tags where closing is at least optional, like p, option, or even br ).

But if this is done, then another thing could be implemented also: limitation of "valid" html tags, as most sites do. The list that i.e. Kuro5hin use is this list, but a lot more sites displays the allowed html in a more or less restrictive way.

In the other hand, at least for wiki pages the HTML could give a look and feel of a page that plain wiki can't, restricting the html tags that can be used could be ok for blogs, or articles, or forum posts, where content is more important than look, but for wiki pages? You can have a policy of having anyway a list of allowed html by design anyway, so user now that twill be a limit on how much they customize wiki pages, but that will also means that an user will not break site visibility using some tag (some browsers can have problems if someone in a coment put a /html maybe?). And this could have side effects with the wysiwig editor, but anyway, still thinking that is a good idea.

posts: 11

I thought of this too. Restricting HTML Tags is good and there is already a PHP Function for this 😊

Consider this "Content"


The HTML Counter should now insert a closing which would ensure that the page layout is not broken by mistake.


posts: 11

Damn, even the Forum doesn't converts HTML Tags ?
That not so good.

Table Test