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Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Organizing Our Next Major TikiFest

posts: 12 United States

My company is interested in hosting a major internationalTikiFest.

When: Sometime late this fall or winter of 2016-2017.
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida

We would only agree to this if there is proven interest.
If we sponsor this TikFest, we would provide:

  • Free use of our 15,000 sqft conference facilities (incl. wifi).
  • Free shared housing for up to a dozen participants (maybe more).
  • Free transportation to/from Daytona Beach and Orlando International airport (about an hour away).

Open questions:

  1. Are there any wiki or coding events which we should interface with?
  2. Or, in lieu of such events, should the host simply organize fun FL side trips?

What do you think?

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