Upgrading from 14.0 to 14.2 changes the behaviour of login
I have a TW 14.0 and doing a test to upgrade to 14.2 found that the homepage behaves differently and does not show the login/password dialog any more.
On the TW14.0
- Setup as Intranet. Anonymous users have no permissions
- Tiki feature as homepage : articles
- Ticked: On permission denied, display login module (for Anonymous)
so, when a users shows up to the homepage it has access denied (as it's still anonymous) and the homepage is /tiki-view_articles.php anf looks like this before logging in:
when the user logs in she can read the articles. Perfect!
When I upgrade to 14.2 the same homepage /tiki-view_articles.php shows an information box "No articles Yet", but no login/password dialog as:
We still want the Anonymous visitors completely out, and want to maintain the behaviour of 14.0 whenre a dialog for Username / password was shown to user. (besides the login messages on the right upper corner, but that's not very user-friendly).
How to maintain this functionality when upgrading to 14.2?
many thanks,