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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Displaying Item List tracker data in a table

posts: 22


I am trying to display information from a tracker in a wiki page using TrackerList plugin with a wiki page as a template.

One of the fields in the tracker is of the type "Item List" which is linked to another tracker.

The Item List field is configured to display several alternate fields from the other tracker, not the Title field in the Item Link tracker.

I want to split the information in the Item List field into the individual fields as they are the other tracker and display them in a table.

i.e. Item List field (Field ID 250) shows Name Address and Telephone Number e.g. John Smith 1 Main Street 1234567

I want to display the information in individual table cells as below

Name       | Address       | Telephone
John Smith | 1 Main Street | 1234567
Jane Doe   | 2 High Street | 987654

Not as the data is displayed in the Item List field

  • John Smith 1 Main Street 1234567
  • Jane Doe 2 High Street 987654

Is there a way of splitting the Item List field into its separate components?

I have had a little success by creating 3 separate Item List fields for each field in the remote tracker, and using css in the wiki template to remove the bullet points before each entry. The problem with this method is that all the data in each column is seen as a single cell, hence the alignment is wrong when the data wraps onto more than one line. I get

Name       | Address  | Telephone
John Smith | 1 Main   | 1234567
Jane Doe   | Street   | 987654
           | 2 High   |
           | Street   | 

My table code where $f_29x is the Item List field
Copy to clipboard
{FANCYTABLE(head=" Name | Address | Telephone ")} {$f_290}|{$f_291}|{$f_292} {FANCYTABLE}

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thank you,

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