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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Bug reporter tracker fails after upgrade to newest version.

posts: 58

Hi, I upgraded the Tiki to the latest version acouple of days ago and after that i discovered that the "toggle open", "toggle pending" & "toggle closed" doesn't work anymore. Instead this happens:
Bug Tracket Toggle Option Fail

and I have no idea at all on how to fix this error. Anyone knows on how to fix this annoying error?

Thanks a lot in advance!

posts: 58

Hi Xavier! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks a lot, but how do I change the urls for the status "buttons" in the tracker?
Please see the screenshot below:
Tracker Buttons [1]

Tiki wants me to create a new (blank) page when i click edit etc.:
Tiki New Page[1]

So how do i correct this?

Thanks a lot!

posts: 58

Anyone got any idea on how to fix the bug tracker sorting?

Thanks a lot in advance!

posts: 58
Noone that knows about this?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi PowerQuest:

I fixed it a couple of days ago in subversion. Unfortunately that fix didn't get in in the latest release 15.1 (which was packaged last Friday), but you can safely apply these changes indicated here to fix by hand your own installation:

Sorry I didn't remember your forum message when thanking the reporters of the issue. Remember to add bug reports/wishes at the bug tracker (see above in the box that says "Before posting a question in the support forum, please:...") next time you hit something that looks like a bug.


posts: 58

Thank you so much for replying on this issue!
So where do I apply this code fix Xavier in my installation?

Sorry, but I'm a bit of a tiki noob.. still learning. ; ๐Ÿ˜‰

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi Power Quest:

As you can see in this url:

the bug fix was done in this file:


which means your file "./templates/tracker_filter.tpl" in your tiki root installation dir

and around line 7 in that file, remove the line which starts with a "minus sign" (in pink):

Copy to clipboard
- <a href="{$trackerId|sefurl:tracker}&amp;status={$stdata.statuslink}{if $filtervalue and !$filtervalue|is_array}&amp;filtervalue={$filtervalue|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $filtervalue|is_array}{$filtervalueencoded}{/if}{if $filterfield}&amp;filterfield={$filterfield|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $sort_mode}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}{/if}">

and add the two lines that start with + in the diff (without adding the "+" in your file, it was just to indicate the lines that were "added"):

Copy to clipboard
+ {if $prefs.feature_sefurl === 'y'}{$sep = '?'}{else}{$sep = '&amp;'}{/if} + <a href="{$trackerId|sefurl:tracker}{$sep}status={$stdata.statuslink}{if $filtervalue and !$filtervalue|is_array}&amp;filtervalue={$filtervalue|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $filtervalue|is_array}{$filtervalueencoded}{/if}{if $filterfield}&amp;filterfield={$filterfield|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $sort_mode}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}{/if}">

Does it make more sense?


posts: 58

Thanks Xavier for the reply!

Well yes and no. In my tracker_filet.tpl file (viewed in Dreamveaver) it looks like this:

Copy to clipboard
<form action="#" method="get" class="form-inline"> <input type="hidden" name="trackerId" value="{$trackerId|escape}"> {if $status}<input type="hidden" name="status" value="{$status}">{/if} {if $sort_mode}<input type="hidden" name="sort_mode" value="{$sort_mode}">{/if} <div class="search_container margin-bottom-sm"> {if ($tracker_info.showStatus|default:null eq 'y' or ($tracker_info.showStatusAdminOnly eq 'y' and $tiki_p_admin_trackers eq 'y')) and $showstatus|default:null ne 'n'} {foreach key=st item=stdata from=$status_types} <div style="display:inline-block;"> <div class="{$stdata.class}"> <a href="{$trackerId|sefurl:tracker}&amp;status={$stdata.statuslink}{if $filtervalue and !$filtervalue|is_array}&amp;filtervalue={$filtervalue|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $filtervalue|is_array}{$filtervalueencoded}{/if}{if $filterfield}&amp;filterfield={$filterfield|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $sort_mode}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}{/if}"> {icon name="{$stdata.iconname}" ititle=":{tr}Toggle{/tr} {$stdata.label}" iclass='tips'} </a> </div> </div> {/foreach} {/if} <div style="display:inline-block;padding: 4px 10px;"> {if $show_filters eq 'y'} {jq} fields = []; {{assign var=c value=0}} {{foreach key=fid item=field from=$listfields} {if $field.isSearchable eq 'y' and $field.type ne 'f' and $field.type ne 'j' and $field.type ne 'i'} fields[{$c}] = '{$fid}'; {assign var=c value=$c+1} {/if} {/foreach}} {/jq} {*FIX flip from tikijs.js this only a paleative<select name="filterfield" onchange="multitoggle(fields,this.options[selectedIndex].value);flip('filterbutton');">*} <select name="filterfield" class="form-control" onchange="multitoggle(fields,this.options[selectedIndex].value); {literal}showit = 'show_filterbutton'; if(this.selectedIndex == 0){document.getElementById('filterbutton').style.display = 'none';setSessionVar(showit,'n');}else{ document.getElementById('filterbutton').style.display = 'block'; setSessionVar(showit,'y');}{/literal}"> {*FIX flip from tikijs.js this only a paleative<select name="filterfield" onchange="multitoggle(fields,this.options[selectedIndex].value);flip('filterbutton');">*} <option value="">{tr}Choose a filter{/tr}</option> {foreach key=fid item=field from=$listfields} {if $field.isSearchable eq 'y' and $field.type ne 'f' and $field.type ne 'j' and $field.type ne 'i' and ($field.isHidden ne 'y' or $tiki_p_admin_trackers eq 'y')} <option value="{$fid}"{if $fid eq $filterfield} selected="selected"{/if}>{$field.name|truncate:65|escape}</option> {assign var=filter_button value='y'} {/if} {/foreach} </select> {/if} </div> <div style="display:inline-block" class="form-group"> {assign var=cnt value=0} {foreach key=fid item=field from=$listfields} {if $field.isSearchable eq 'y' and $field.type ne 'f' and $field.type ne 'j' and $field.type ne 'i'} {if $field.type eq 'c'} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}"> <select name="filtervalue[{$fid}]" class="form-control"> <option value="y"{if $filtervalue eq 'y'} selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}Yes{/tr}</option> <option value="n"{if $filtervalue eq 'n'} selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}No{/tr}</option> </select> </div> {elseif $field.type eq 'd' or $field.type eq 'D'} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}"> <select name="filtervalue[{$fid}]" class="form-control"> {if $field.type eq 'D'}<option value="" />{/if} {foreach from=$field.possibilities key=dropdown_key item=dropdown_value} <option value="{$dropdown_key|escape}" {if $fid == $filterfield}{if $filtervalue eq $dropdown_key}{assign var=gotit value=y}selected="selected"{/if}{/if}>{$dropdown_value|tr_if}</option> {/foreach} </select> {if $field.type eq 'D'} <input class="form-control" type="text" name="filtervalue_other"{if $gotit ne 'y'} value="{if $fid == $filterfield}{$filtervalue}{/if}"{/if}> {/if} </div> {elseif $field.type eq 'R'} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}"> {foreach from=$field.possibilities key=radio_key item=radio_value} <input type="radio" name="filtervalue[{$fid}]" value="{$radio_key|escape}" {if $fid == $filterfield}{if $filtervalue eq $radio_key}checked="checked"{/if}{/if}>{$radio_value|escape} {/foreach} </div> {elseif $field.type eq 'M'} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}"> {if empty($field.options_map.inputtype)} {foreach from=$field.possibilities key=value item=label} <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" name="filtervalue[{$fid}][]" value="{$value|escape}" {if $fid == $filterfield and is_array($filtervalue) and in_array($value, $filtervalue)}checked="checked"{/if}> {$label|tr_if|escape} </label> {/foreach} {elseif $field.options_map.inputtype eq 'm'} {if $prefs.jquery_ui_chosen neq 'y'}<small>{tr}Hold "Ctrl" in order to select multiple values{/tr}</small><br>{/if} <select name="filtervalue[{$fid}][]" multiple="multiple" class="form-control"> {foreach key=ku from=$field.possibilities key=value item=label} <option value="{$value|escape}" {if is_array($filtervalue) and in_array($value, $filtervalue)}selected="selected"{/if}>{$label|escape}</option> {/foreach} </select> {/if} </div> {elseif $field.type eq 'e'}{* category *} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}" class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-inline"> {foreach key=ku item=iu from=$field.list name=eforeach} <li> <input type="checkbox" name="filtervalue[{$fid}][]" value="{$iu.categId}" id="cat{$iu.categId}" {if $fid == $filterfield && is_array($filtervalue) && in_array($iu.categId,$filtervalue)} checked="checked"{/if}> <label for="cat{$iu.categId}">{$iu.name|escape}</label> </li> {/foreach} </ul> </div> {elseif $field.type eq 'u'}{* user with autocomplete *} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="filtervalue[{$fid}]" value="{if $fid == $filterfield}{$filtervalue}{/if}" id="filter-username"> </div> {autocomplete element='#filter-username' type='username'} {else} <div style="display:{if $filterfield eq $fid}block{else}none{/if};" id="fid{$fid}"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="filtervalue[{$fid}]" value="{if $fid == $filterfield}{$filtervalue}{/if}"> </div> {/if} {assign var=cnt value=$cnt+1} {/if} {/foreach} </div> {if isset($filter_button) && $filter_button eq 'y'} <div style="display:inline-block" class="form-group"> <input id="filterbutton" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="filter" value="{tr}Filter{/tr}" style="display:{if $filterfield}inline{else}none{/if}"> </div> {/if} </div> </form>

And there is no minus sign in my file (I attached it too to this post.)

Again thanks, for your help!

posts: 58

Hello Xavier, I have still not figured out how to apply this correction. Could you please help me?

Thanks a lot!

posts: 58

Hmm anyone here in the tiki forums that could help me with this please?
Its not easy being a tiki noob! ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜€

posts: 58

Hmm well it seems that I finally fot this to work almost..

I added the code:

Copy to clipboard
{if $prefs.feature_sefurl === 'y'}{$sep = '?'}{else}{$sep = '&amp;'}{/if} <a href="{$trackerId|sefurl:tracker}{$sep}status={$stdata.statuslink}{if $filtervalue and !$filtervalue|is_array}&amp;filtervalue={$filtervalue|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $filtervalue|is_array}{$filtervalueencoded}{/if}{if $filterfield}&amp;filterfield={$filterfield|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $sort_mode}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}{/if}">

The error is now gone, but now the toggle option wont show me the pending tasks...
pleasesee the video screencast:

As you will see in the video - it doesnt change view - it also refuses to show me the pending tasks.

Here is a screenshot of the new tracker code in Dreamweaver:


posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Upgrade to latest version released: 15.2

posts: 58

Allright,thanks Xavier!!

I will try and do that. Hopefully it wil solve this issue then! ๐Ÿ˜Š