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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Permissions By Category per Group - unexpected performance

posts: 8640 France

Hello Infandus,

In my opinion, your case require more than just a quick read on the forum and an answer and it will require more to have a complete answer (look for https://tiki.org/consultants).

I suggest you try to simplify and ask for support on specific and simple question not a complete setup of your permissions.

Request 2:
Yes it’s called category jail. Using category permission you can define such.
However in your case you will have a good headache with permissions cascades.

I suggest your to create a prototype and set demo permission one at the time for one user/group then to expand and see where it fail to correct. Once you know what to do move what you’ve learn to you main website.

I would also suggest you to work with Firefox or Chrome.
I’m a Mac user but Tiki is not 100% with Safari (javascript and other oddities). Beside to check permission I suggest you to open several browsers with different users.

Not being rude just realistic... 😉
Good luck.

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