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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Can you use >= or

posts: 126890 United Kingdom
Leena wrote:

Is there any way to have a filter that "now" is:

Greater than or equal to tracker_field_REG_ReminderDate
Less than or equal to tracker_field_REG_ExpiryDate

Hi @lkganguli@gmail.com

I think you can do this with a Maths Calculation Field if you add a "valid duration" field instead of the exact expiry and make the exact expiry date the calculation - i don't fully follow your field names but might something like this work?

  • StartDate (Datetime field)
  • ValidDuration (maybe one of the new Duration fields?)
  • ExpiryDate (Calculation field which is set to be the Start Date plus the Duration)

and then filters like:

Copy to clipboard
{filter range="tracker_field_StartDate" from="now" to="2 years"} {filter range="tracker_field_ExpiryDate" from="2 years" to="now"}

(i'm using "2 years" to mean "forever")

Would need a load of fiddling with, and this is all untested and just made up, but i think that's how i would go about it.

It may not be any good for your timezone but we could have a go at it at the end of Roundtable Meeting 2022 06 if you're keen maybe?

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