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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


  • Where are we?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • Who is working on what? (Priorities/goals/majors issues/roles)



Upload: file gallery upload fails without error fixed


{SF(aid=>730514,tag=>rfe)}{SF} (priority 3)
{SF(aid=>662327,tag=>rfe)}{SF} (Priority 5)
File Gallery : Versioning
Interesting: http://freshmeat.net/projects/class_webdav_client/
Ordering galleries in the gallery list
Uploading files > 2 MB
Batch upload should not upload the ZIP file
Being able to move a file from one gallery to another (like for images)

Competition and standards

List of other products with similar/interesting/related features.
Here I would like to see some "editorial" content. How do our features compare to others?

Avire provides some interesting related capability with regards to the ability to organize a gallery of images (referring to the "Video Gallery" request with suggestion for an organized row/column collection of thumbnails of quicktime/avi files). Avire is an image gallery extension to Tiki based on the concept of Exhibitions. Unsure of licensing.


Where ideas can be exchanged, debated, etc. Interested people can subscribe to the wiki page and/or to these forums as they would a mailing list.

Page last modified on Saturday 05 June 2004 18:55:14 GMT-0000