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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Here is some follow-up about my work on galaxia community workflow.

to test: You must be LoggedIn and go to whois

Community 0.03

Tikiwiki community is becoming huge, more than 100 developpers and more than 300 features to deal with, we need to automate some more visibility on projects and who does what. The Community workflow is intended to the contributions more fluid and to make it more efficient. The new lib CURL will be massively used to dig into sourceforge or other web-based platforms, to constitue a tool that manage a multi-site activity...

Registration 0.02

Very recent and experimental; it just adds a validation step before creating account. It will end in Community workflow.

Copyright and licence

Community and Registration workflows can be used by other development communities, and is free for download, under GPL licence copyrighted by mose.

Page last modified on Saturday 10 July 2004 14:52:01 GMT-0000

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