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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


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Here are some random thoughts to get started.


The instructor should be able to define a set of fields, some to be imported, some to be calculated, and some from internal sources (quizzes or whatever) that students will be able to see.

  • It should be easy to import CSV files with student numbers in one column and scores in another that will be matched up appropriately. It should be easy to point a new imported row at one of the fields in the spreadsheet. It should be hard to delete or overwrite rows.

  • The instructor should be able to select and unlock multiple rows of data given a variety of search parameters

  • When data is modified there needs to be an audit trail.

  • There are quite a few grading apps out there but few of them export to the web or to CSV... There is a growing demand from users for grades online functionality...but there is also an ongoing battle over grades online out of fear of being hacked.

  • Keep in mind the handhelds as well; the gradebook interface should be configurable for a tiny interface. I like to walk around and check off students homework. I want to be able to show them their grade right then and there.

  • could be nice to be able to grade forum posts directly to a specific part of the gradebook (see RFE)

some links


Page last modified on Monday 03 January 2005 20:02:22 GMT-0000

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