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New Tiki Community Video

Rick -

In this newly produced video, Tiki community member Jean-Marc Libs (aka Jyhem) speaks about the benefits of using the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. In an interview originally recorded in Ottawa in 2012 (in French), Jean-Marc explains one of TIki's greatest strengths: tight integration among its features. Jean-Marc is a senior contributor to the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, dedicating several hours each day to programming and development, as well as general administration of the Tiki Community and infrastructure. Jean-Marc lives in Strasbourg, France and founded the alsawiki.com company, which specializes in open-source software and Tiki deployments.

Tiki 13.0 Release

Nelson -

The Tiki Community wishes to announce the release of Tiki 13.0, the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Following the Tiki tradition of naming versions after stars, Tiki 13 is named after Fomalhaut, one of the brightest stars in the sky.

Tiki 13.0 is the first Tiki to make use of the industry leading Bootstrap CSS framework, providing a much needed modernization to the look and feel of Tiki. This sets the foundation for mobile-friendly and device-responsive layout. Unfortunately, this means that many old themes will not be compatible and need to be converted. On the other hand, Tiki can now more easily make use of third party Bootstrap themes.

The Bootstrap transition was planned to span two versions (Tiki 13 and Tiki 14). As such, Tiki 13 being the midway version is expected to be more rough around the edges than most other major releases. Upgraders should take note of various known issues documented on the release notes at Tiki13. The page also contains a list of enhancements and known issues in the latest version.

If you are starting a new Tiki install and wish to take advantage of the latest features, you should try Tiki 13 first. On the other hand, if you are looking for an older but more stable version, Tiki 12 which is a Long Term Support (LTS) version might be more suitable for you. If you plan only to upgrade with the LTS cycle (i.e. from Tiki 12 to Tiki 15), you could try Tiki 13 out as a preview of what is to come. For more information about which Tiki version is right for you, see the Tiki Version Lifecycle page (Version Lifecycle).

You can download the new Tiki 13 (as well as all other Tiki versions) from Download.

Tiki 13.0 Beta Release

Nelson -

The Tiki Community wishes to announce the Beta release of Tiki 13.0, the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This beta release is expected to be followed soon by the final release, so please help to test the beta as much as possible. Following the Tiki tradition of naming versions after stars, Tiki 13 is named after Fomalhaut, one of the brightest stars in the sky.

Tiki 13.0 is the first Tiki to make use of the industry leading Bootstrap CSS framework, providing a much needed modernization to the look and feel of Tiki. This sets the foundation for mobile-friendly and device-responsive layout. Unfortunately, this means that many old themes will not be compatible and need to be converted. On the other hand, Tiki can now more easily make use of third party Bootstrap themes.

Upgraders should take note of various known issues documented on the release notes at Tiki13. The page also contains a list of enhancements in the latest version.

If you are starting a new Tiki install, please try Tiki 13 first in order to take advantage of the latest features. Nevertheless, upgraders and new users who require a higher degree of stability can remain on Tiki 12 which is a Long Term Support (LTS) version. But even if you plan only to upgrade when the next LTS version (i.e. Tiki 15) is released, it will be good to try Tiki 13 out as a preview of what is to come. For more information about which Tiki version is right for you, see the Tiki Version Lifecycle page (Version Lifecycle).

You can download the new Tiki 13 Beta (as well as all other Tiki versions) from Download.

Tiki 12.2 LTS Release

Nelson -
The Tiki Community wishes to announce the release of Tiki 12.2 LTS, the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

Tiki version 12.2 LTS follows up on the recently released version 12.1 LTS, urgently fixing a bug introduced in that version which caused toolbars to be removed when a site administrator makes any changes to existing toolbars, plus a few minor fixes. Also, we are aware that some users have timeout issues when choosing InnoDB instead of MyISAM as the database engine in the installer. This affects only certain server environments, and we are still working on the fix.

To learn more about what's in Tiki 12 LTS, see http://doc.tiki.org/tiki12.

All Tiki site administrators are urged to upgrade to a current version. If you downloaded Tiki 12.2 from Sourceforge in the last couple of days prior to this announcement, please re-download it, as the packages that were there prior to the release announcement were missing some changes to the database structure related to the forum feature.

We currently plan in the coming weeks to release Tiki 12.3, the next in the Tiki 12 Long Term Support series, at about the same time as the new Tiki 13.0, which will introduce several framework changes including the move to the Bootstrap mobile-friendly front-end framework. To learn more about this upcoming major version, see http://doc.tiki.org/tiki13.

Tiki 12 is a Long Term Support (LTS) version. To determine which Tiki version is right for you, see the Tiki Version Lifecycle page (http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle).

You can download the new Tiki 12.2 LTS (as well as all other Tiki versions, including pre-release development builds) from http://info.tiki.org/download.

Tiki 12.1 LTS (and other releases) now available!

Rick -
The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release of Tiki 12.1 LTS, the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This update includes more than 500 code updates and fixes from the Tiki community. Some of the major items include:
  • Improved installation, admin, and user wizards
  • Performance improvements
  • Shopping cart enhancements
  • Expanded Tiki profiles
  • Facebook login integration
  • Mobile mode
  • AJAX improvements
  • and more. To learn more about what's in Tiki 12LTS, see http://doc.tiki.org/tiki12.

In addition, this update includes several important security fixes, several first identified by Sherif Koussa (sherif@softwaresecured.com).

Tiki 12 is a Long Term Support (LTS) version, which is supported for 5 years. To determine which Tiki version is right for you, see the Tiki Version Lifecycle page (http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle).

You can download the new Tiki 12.1 LTS (as well as all other Tiki versions, including pre-release development builds) from http://info.tiki.org/download.

Other Releases

There are new updates to all active Tiki branches, too:

  • Tiki 11.2
  • Tiki 9.8
  • Tiki 6.14

All Tiki site administrators are urged to upgrade to a current version.

Coming soon: Tiki 13

Development work continues on the next major release, Tiki 13, which will introduce several framework changes including the move to the Bootstrap mobile first front-end framework. To learn more, see http://doc.tiki.org/tiki13.

Tiki 12.0 LTS is here!

Marc Laporte -
Tiki 12.0 LTS
Tiki 12.0 LTS
The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release of Tiki 12.0 LTS, the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This release, with thousands of code commits, includes many new features, some architectural enhancements, and many bug fixes.

Tiki 12 is a Long Term Support (LTS) version, which is supported for 5 years (vs 3.5 years for 9.x LTS). Among major new features and enhancements include:

  • Unified Index enhancement: Support for MySQL Full Text Search and ElasticSearch
  • CKeditor 4.2 full integration including inline editing of wiki pages (WYSIWYG)
  • Setup Wizard for both admin & user to facilitate admin and account configuration
  • Activity Streams to create social network automated feed within Tiki
  • Friendship Network complete redesign and re-implementation
  • Layout Switching feature to give you control over layout per page.
  • Monitoring tools and SysAdmin CLI integration
  • Profiles improvement to be used as a full configuration management tool.
  • Integration with Mozilla Together for Real Time Collaboration (RTC)
  • Refer to http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki12 for complete information about this release. You can download Tiki 12.0 (and all other releases) from http://info.tiki.org/Download.

As part of our continual "dogfooding" process, the *.tiki.org sites were upgraded to Tiki 12 several weeks before the release, allowing the Tiki Community to obtain "real world" feedback for the upgrade.

Tiki 6.xLTS and 9.xLTS support continues
The support period is as follows:
9.x LTS: Supported until Tiki 16.1 is released (November 2015)
6.x LTS: Supported until Tiki 13.1 is released (May 2014)

Which Version is Right for Me?
The Tiki Version Lifecycle page (http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle) will help you choose the right version to install.

Work is already well underway on Tiki13. The main change is the move to the Bootstrap mobile first front-end framework. Like any post-LTS version, it will have a lot of enhancements. In fact, current estimates of development planned will make it the release with the most development ever (in terms of developer hours)!

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 12.0 Beta is now available for download

Bernard Sfez -

The release team is pleased to announce that the public beta of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 12.0 Beta is now available for download.

This beta release is made available to allow a broad user base to test and evaluate the next major version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

Tiki 12.x is our next Long Term Support (LTS) version and it will be supported for 5 years (until 2018). The Tiki community and especially the test and development team have done (and are still doing 😉 some awesome work to deliver a very stable version of Tiki.

New Versions of all supported versions of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

admin -

The Tiki Community proudly announces maintenance and security updates to all of the major branches of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware:

  • Tiki 11.1
  • Tiki 10.4 (This is the final release of the 10.x branch)
  • Tiki 9.7LTS
  • Tiki 6.13LTS

These releases include several security fixes, including one critical one, and several bug fixes (and minor enhancements in 10.4 and 11.1). It is very important for sites to be upgraded to the latest versions.

Please refer to the documentation for each release ( https://doc.tiki.org/tiki11 , https://doc.tiki.org/tiki10 , https://doc.tiki.org/tiki9 , and https://doc.tiki.org/tiki6 , respectively) for complete details.

Note that the release of Tiki 11.1 marks the closure of the Tiki 10.x branch — no new releases on the 10.x branch are planned.
Minimal release patches for 5, 7 and 8 will soon be also available to make updating easier, although updating to a supported LTS branch at least is strongly recommended.

Which Version is Right for Me?
The Tiki Version Lifecycle page ( http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle ) will help you choose the right version to install. To download Tiki, visit: http://tiki.org/download .

Security Fixes
These releases include the following security patches:

  • An XSS vulnerability discovered by Yuji Tounai ( http://bogus.jp ) as reported to Tiki by JPCERT Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC) (JVN#81813850 / TN: JPCERT#94723715).
  • An SQLI vulnerability discovered by Yuji Tounai ( http://bogus.jp ) as reported to Tiki by JPCERT Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC) (JVN#75720314 / TN: JPCERT#91009009).
  • An XSS vulnerability discovered by Nikhil Kumar Srivastava from Techdefence Labs and Jinen Patel; subsequently coordinated with CERT Coordination Center (cert@cert.org) (CERT VU#450646).

Several New Tiki Releases

Rick -

The past few days have seen new releases of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in all its major branches.

Tiki 11.0
This is the next major version of Tiki, and includes a host of new features and enhancements such as:

  • Tiki Console, used to administer your Tiki installation via a command line (based on Symfony's Console Component)
  • Improved File Gallery management
  • Several new themes
  • Enhancements to Trackers including new fields and inline editing
  • Support for Gravatar avatars, Bing Translator, and Google Translate 2
  • Multiple new modules and wiki plugins

For complete information on all the new features in Tiki 11, see http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki11.

Tiki 10.4
This is a maintenance release for the Tiki 10.x branch. The Tiki 10.x branch will be closed upon the release of Tiki 11.1.

Tiki 9.6 LTS
This is a maintenance and security release for the Tiki 9.x LTS (long term support) branch. Tiki 9.x is supported until November 2015 (when Tiki 16 is released)

Tiki 6.12 LTS
This is a maintenance and security release for the Tiki 6.x LTS (long term support) branch. Tiki 6.x is supported until May 2014 (when Tiki 13 is released)

Which Version is Right for Me?
The Tiki Version Lifecycle page (http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle) will help you choose the right version to install.

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