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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Code Wiki Plugin

Code can be used to display lines of preformatted code in wiki pages.

Using CODE tag

Without parameters

{CODE()} <?php function foo($foo) { print($foo); }?> {CODE}
Copy to clipboard
<?php function foo($foo) { print($foo); }?>

Line numbering : ln

{CODE(ln=>1)}some code line numbered {CODE}
Copy to clipboard
some code line numbered

(1.8) Syntax coloring : colors

Only php color is available for now. more are expected.

{CODE(colors=>php)}<?php function foo($foo) { print($foo); }?>{CODE}
Copy to clipboard
<?php function foo($foo) { print($foo); }?>

(1.9) caption insert : caption

{CODE(caption=>Caption)}some text{CODE}
Copy to clipboard
some text

( If you see confusing output like "&amp;quot;" or so (actually double-processed html special characters), try to check "Allow HTML" option.


You can edit the plugin if you need to change the look and feel of the output. There is only one file to deal with.

Page last modified on Monday 13 December 2004 16:12:10 GMT-0000