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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


General Description

Tiki provides numerous options for changing the appearance of text you type into text area boxes (for example, in blogs, forums, or Wiki pages). In blogs, you can use the WYSIWYG editor. If your admnistrator has given you the appropriate level of permissions, you can use HTML. But most people like to use the special Wiki formatting codes, called WikiTags, that Tiki makes available. WikiTags are easy to use. Whenever you're editing a Wiki page, click Help to see a quick reference guide to the available tags.

See WikiSyntax for a quick reference guide. See WikiCharacterFormattingDoc for detailed information on creating formats such as bold, italic, and underlining. See WikiPageLayoutDoc for detailed information on designing your pages with WikiSyntax. For detailed information on linking to Wiki or external pages, see WikiLinkingDoc. For a general introducing to editing Wiki pages, see WikiEditingDoc.

Key Function and sub-features

Wiki formatting:

  • bold, italics, and underlining See WikiCharacterFormattingDoc
  • boxes See WikiPageLayout Doc
  • bulleted and numbered lists See WikiListDoc
  • centered text See WikiCharacterFormattingDoc
  • colored text See WikiCharacterFormattingDoc
  • definition lists See WikiListDoc
  • headings and titles See WikiPageLayoutDoc
  • images See WikiPageLayoutDoc
  • page breaks See WikiPageLayoutDoc
  • showing and hiding sections of a page See WikiPageLayoutDoc
  • special characters See WikiSpecialCharacters
  • troubleshooting See WikiCharacterFormattingDoc

TIP: To suppress Wiki formatting where it's unwanted, see WikiNonParsedSection.

Wiki links:

  • links to Wiki pages See WikiLinkingDoc
  • links to external Wiki pages See WikiLinkingDoc
  • links to external Web pages See WikiLinkingDoc

Related Links

You can use several of the available Wiki plugins to format text.

  • automatic line sorting Sorts the specified lines in ascending order. See PluginSort.
  • avatar Displays the user's avatar. See PluginAvatar.
  • boxes with titles and background color See PluginBox.
  • categories Shows a list of objects in the same category. See PluginCategory and PluginCatPath.
  • gauge graphic Displays a graphical gauge showing a percentage of a whole. See PluginGauge.
  • included pages Includes the specified object at the plugin's location. see PluginInclude.
  • in-line modules Forces modules (boxes normally used in the left and right columns) to appear within the central area of the page. See PluginModule.
  • newspaper columns See PluginSplit.
  • programming code Formats computer code (optionally, with line numbers). See PluginCode.

Typical Uses

For more information

Page last modified on Wednesday 04 February 2004 09:02:13 GMT-0000