This is just a brief overview, best is, if you learn and experiment for yourself...
- Get Tiki
- InstallTiki
- edit php.ini if not already
- default_charset="utf-8", memory_limit="16M"
- create empty tiki db and GRANT rights on tikidb for tikiuser
- use tiki-install.php to setup using default profile
- edit php.ini if not already
- start Tikiwiki by opening in browser
- login, change admin password
- edit features to your liking in menu - admin(click) - Features
- edit general options in menu - admin(click) - General
- for example display modules to all groups always - off
- Content
- create a new wiki structure in menu - wiki - structure
- structureid is the name of the structure
- add pages to structure, create levels and hierarchy for navigation
- edit the branch pages of the tree to include a {toc} in wiki for an automatic table of contents
- add more content to the structure pages
- create a new wiki structure in menu - wiki - structure
- Navigation
- createa a new menu in menu - admin - menus (this is below the admin section as an option in the menu, click the open folder)
- assign some created pages to the menu by way of urls
- assign menu into a newly created module in menu - admin - modules
- assign module to users
- createa a new menu in menu - admin - menus (this is below the admin section as an option in the menu, click the open folder)
- Permissions
- assign general feature-permissions to groups in menu - admin - Groups
- for example tiki_p_vire for anonymous gives read and access perms to the wiki feature
- or assign permissions to some objects, like individual pages
- or on a whole structure of pages (from 1.9 on)
- assign general feature-permissions to groups in menu - admin - Groups