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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Tiki 1.9.11 (a fix to antibot bug introduced in Tiki with other minor changes) was released by Rodrigo Sampaio Primo on 2008-04-08.


The list below is incomplete and will probably not be updated shortly. Here are some of the major items:


  • Bug introduced in Tiki in tiki-register.php more info
  • Live_support display IP of requester
  • Average file size in stats
  • Tiki version tracking (notification of new Tiki version)


  • Removed some unused links from admin menu (on clean install, doesn't affect upgrades)
  • After uploading a file gallery, you now have a friendly wiki syntax to re-use in wiki pages.
  • Updated translations to Italian, Catalan and Portuguese
  • Module since_last_visit_new shows new tracker items and updated items separately, and by tracker.
  • Tracker fields now have option of being a date only field, not requiring a time stamp, also have option of an empty date.
  • Updates to lite.css (used in simple.css theme)

Backports from 1.10

  • Display category ID of current category in tiki-admin_categories.php
  • UI enhancements in assistant module

For more background info, you can also see ReleaseProcess19eleven

Page last modified on Wednesday 09 April 2008 05:12:45 GMT-0000

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