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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Release Process Page for Polaris 1.8.2 !

1.8.2 addresses some security problems in Tikiwiki mainly Path Disclosure, XSS and improved CSRF routines (thanks to http://gulftech.org)

SF Reported Bugs

  • Fix compatability with MSSQL


  • categories display with IE Damian
  • width of all admin screens by adding a missing class to CSS Damian
  • query in integrator lib had extra parameter Damian
  • replaced obsolete module-title.tpl with module.tpl in simple style (when modcontrols set on) luci
  • fixed article_image that was failing to display mose
  • fixed hotwords parsing so it avoids hotwording in description that are used as url labels in wiki pages mose


  • Blended the tree class into all themes Damian
  • Improved spacing on tiki-removepage.tpl Damian
  • added an option in wiki admin panel to make use of dashes and underscores optional in WikiWords mose

Added 1.8.1 (CVS) to header and installer for identification of users running tar release or developers code. Will help with identification of problems on releases. Damian

The following points are also still pending a suitable fix.

see also : UpgradeTo18, ReleaseProcess181, ReleaseProcess18

This release is still in cvs BRANCH-1-8
export CVS_RSH=ssh
export CVSROOT=:ext:username@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/tikiwiki
cvs -z5 co -r BRANCH-1-8 tikiwiki

ohertel and mose are the release managers for 1.8.2

Page last modified on Sunday 11 April 2004 19:48:40 GMT-0000

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