The release manager was ohertel.
This release of Tikiwiki will also close some of the final outstanding security issues that didn't make it into 1.8.2 and also carry on the bugfix and slight feature backporting from 1.9 aka HEAD branch.
This version was released 3/6/2004 by ohertel! Download your copy from SourceForge!
Note: I've increased the version numbers to 1.8.3 (CVS) - Damian
Fixes so far:
- Articles: Cannot add comment with zero-length body fixed by luci
- Image Galleries: fixed buggy image navigation (it seems there's still some problem with cacheing on tiki-browse_image.php - after reload the navigation links get correct) luci
- Mini-calendar Chealer9
- FAQs : Questions can't be edited (invalid variable value for sort_mode) Damian
- MSSQL support in tiki-install Damian
- MSSQL tiki.sql file - Still has problems with INDEXs Damian
- Made tiki-install IIS friendly Damian
- faq_questions, change of error message Damian
- tiki-modules, shouldnt be called directly as it gives path disclosure Damian
- patched phplayers for directory listing Damian
- worth noting that people should remove the demo files from here for added security !
- Added better horizontal menu support for phplayers Damian
- note: the CSS file needs extra classes which can be found in /lib/phplayers/ sample code files!
- RSS feeds : Display bullets out of page ohertel
- HTML enabled wiki pages : Capital <TABLE> causes many lines ohertel
- Search: user input not checked for unwanted chars ohertel
- RSS feed is not per gallery. swayambhu
- Live Support, fixed the JS that was causing it to fail damian
- Articles : page number didn't show Chealer9
- Metal themes: Removed hard img links to reverted to local img folder instead Damian
- tikibot : fixed translation plugin mose
- SF BUG #832698: All chart items showing in individual Chart Views patvdv. Also changed the templates/tiki-view_chart.tmpl not to show the tiki_chart_items.URL field when it's empty (and avoiding creating an unnecessary URL link)
- since_last_visit_new module: show right link of new forum posts to the post thread (UserPagegmuslera|gmuslera))
- template modifications patvdv
- changed class 'link' to 'linkbut' where appropriate (tiki-pagepermissions, tiki-objectpermissions, tiki-adminusers, tiki-admingroups, tiki-assignuser, tiki-assignpermission)
- added 'return to gallery' button when editing an image (tiki-edit_image)
- Added some 'nowraps' in action icon columns and changed the order of some the action icons to standardize (config, edit/delete, perms)
- lang NL (Nederlands) now fully up-to-date patvdv
- when uploading files in the file gallery the return value if is_uploaded_file() is checked as6o
- in the case of file-system storage for file galleries, the on-disk file is removed if the entry isn't added to the db as6o
- SF BUG #961082: Wrong navigation/sorting links in Admin Directory > Validate Sites patvdv
- fixed double gzip compression causing empty pages or error messages ohertel
- SF BUG #963505: Bug in mod-forums_last_posts ohertel
- SF BUG #952452: Forums : forums_last_posts replying problem ohertel
- SF BUG #926614: Forums : Reads and Replies checkboxes inverted Chealer9
- fixed the highlight plugin behaviour in case of odd chars searched in search engine mose
- SF BUG #965263: article visible even if publishing date is in future ohertel
- switch_lang module for anonymous in certain conf sylvie
- renaming of wiki pages
- SF BUG #941944: Wiki : Cannot rollback page ohertel
- damian.css - a style which uses a horizontal phplayer menu for the basis of its navigation Damian
- See it in action on and please read damian.css for pre-requests!
- Individual images in galleries can now be categorised! Damian
- RSS: New 'refresh' button on admin page for external rss feeds ohertel
- SF RFE: 887918 - RSS Feed for directories ohertel
- New module! Top Forum Posters! ModuleTopForumPosters damian
shows avatar, name and number of posts - New Wikiplugin - {FLASH()} for displaying SWF content in a wiki enabled area. PluginFlash - damian
takes movie, height, width, quality as parameters - tikibot : now an add content in wikipages using irc hook mose
- New Wikiplugin - AGENTINFO --> PluginAgentInfo damian
- Template modifications patvdv
- Changed the way individual object/page permisisons are highlighted. Instead of using round brackets '()' now using a separate icon (green coloured key:
- Changed the way individual object/page permisisons are highlighted. Instead of using round brackets '()' now using a separate icon (green coloured key:
- Added a variable in general admin panel to setup the url of the help website linked to that ? question mark in admin pages mose