Back from Budapest
Welcome back from the TikiFest Hungary 2016. Hopefully you had a relaxed time with friends or family and enjoyed your summer holidays. It is September. Let's hitch up sleeves to bring Tiki to the next level.
Tiki 16 is coming soon!
Volunteering Facilitator: Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 13h00 UTC (click for time zone in your city)
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
1st hour quick news
- Summary of TikiFestHu2016
- Tiki 16 Release process update
- New advanced preference filter
- Article Image small revamp (image dimension are no bootstrap compatible, Image should be stored in file gallery)
Articles tracker, could it be the next step ? - File gallery image size (ratio vs dimension)
- Structure new toc parameter (mindepth + alpha sorting)
- SEFURL, HTTPS, or else can we prevent feature activation to lock a website ?
- Improve history for Tiki16 :
Second hour, longer topics
- New/Working test unit tour Jonny Bradley
- Bootstrap 3 => 4, planning the transition
Chat log
Pages related to this one
One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2016 09