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Volunteering Facilitator:
The time is now:
Time in your timezone (when this page was last reloaded): Saturday 15 February 2025 14:08:39 UTC
The time will be set by the participants vote:
Tiki Roundtable Meeting Time Votes
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
Today's topics
We decided to have this meeting on really short notice so there may not be prepared discussion topics. It's more of just a casual get-together for anybody who is around and wants to join.
First hour, quick news
- ...
put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above
Second hour, longer topics
- ...
put your topic (max. 15 minutes) into the list above
- (This meeting wasn't recorded.)
- Just for information, only two members showed up, Bernard and Gary. Bernard demonstrated his Kanban board (new feature in Tiki), and we talked about the new methods to customize the top and topbar navbars, and about the upcoming color modes in Bootstrap 5.3 (now in beta).
Chat log
(Chat wasn't recorded.)
Pages related to this one
One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2023 03