User Information
Profile picture (User Icon):

Real Name:
Aris Bernotas

English (en)
Last login:
Friendship Network
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User Aris Bernotas
has contributed to the following content…
Wiki Pages
- Aris Bernotas User Page
- Promo Sheet
- Roundtable Meeting 2018 06
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 02
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 03
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 04
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 05
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 06
- Roundtable Meeting 2021 07
- Roundtable Meeting 2023 04
- Tiki Community 2021 Navigation Revamp
- Tiki vs Drupal
- TikiFest Virtual 2021
- TikiFestFosdem2024
- UX Trends 2021
Forum comments
- [SOLVED] Reasons for customsearch sort impotence when search works? Bugs in tiki 25.x? e.g Uncaught TypeError: customsearch_0.load is not a function or other things?
- MySQL search engine or ElasticSearch engine, which one to use ?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- PHP 8.0 issues
- Custom User Homepages and Confirmation Pages Using New User Registration Trackers
- is there a need to organize access restriction for different user groups
- A bug on frontPage of Community?
- Navigation Revamp, Team and Ideas
- Navigation Revamp, Team and Ideas
- For those who are eager to try tiki with 50+ hybridauth socnets logins...
- For those who are eager to try tiki with 50+ hybridauth socnets logins...
- Search index doesn't rebuilt - Is it still possible to find that preventing link by searching inside tiki?
- Search index doesn't rebuilt
- Re: Facebook Login fails and produces error. Can't login or authorize Facebook.
- Re: LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.
- Re: LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.
- Re: Re: Dead Tiki = expect problems not answers?
- Re: Dead Tiki = expect problems not answers?
- Dead Tiki = expect problems not answers?
- Re: LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string. Halted
- Re: LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.
- possible to integrate forums e.g. vbulletin?
- Re: Re: user modules edit text where?
- user modules edit text where?
Forum topics
- [SOLVED] Reasons for customsearch sort impotence when search works? Bugs in tiki 25.x? e.g Uncaught TypeError: customsearch_0.load is not a function or other things?
- How/Where to include/install and use foreign Vue components eg range slider from unpkg etc.?
- A bug on frontPage of Community?
- Navigation Revamp, Team and Ideas
- For those who are eager to try tiki with 50+ hybridauth socnets logins...
- Dead Tiki = expect problems not answers?
- possible to integrate forums e.g. vbulletin?
- user modules edit text where?