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// Check wiki permissions // This was done quickly and with a sense of urgency // It may be useful to anyone in a similar position who // can't wait for a better fix. // This code should be located after tiki-searchindex.php // populates the $results variable -zibas if($user){ $group = $userlib->get_user_groups($user); } $filtered_results = array(); foreach($results["data"] as $e){ if($e['location'] == "Wiki"){ $page=$e["pageName"]; $perms = $userlib->get_object_permissions($page, 'wiki page'); if(isset($perms[0])){ if($user){ foreach($perms as $perm){ if($perm["permName"] == "tiki_p_view"){ if(in_array($perm["groupName"],$group)){ $filtered_results['data'][]=$e; } } } } } else{ $filtered_results['data'][]=$e; } } } $results['data'] = $filtered_results['data'];

Page last modified on Wednesday 29 September 2004 14:05:22 GMT-0000

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