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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


General Description

Automatic creation, management and deletion of subdomains, with associated web site and mail handling services (eventually these two services will be Tiki-based).

Key Function and sub-features

  • Automatially edit DNS entries to add and remove subdomains, manage MX, A, NS, PTR and CNAME entries
  • Automatically edit Apache vhosts file to configure webservice on the subdomain
  • Site Admins can add, remove, lock or unlock subdomains (accounts) via Tiki web interface
  • MultiTiki (including mail) instance or TikiForge project installation on each subdomain.

Related Links

Typical Uses
  • Project Management
  • Simple ISP

Case Studies


Support Requests



See also


Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:31:07 GMT-0000

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