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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Installing Tiki

If you are just setting up, please see the installation documents. Once you have installed Tiki, please proceed to the administrator settings.

Meet the community

If you need help and/or want to meet members of the community, please register at this site, if you haven't already, and use the forums, subscribe to mailing lists, and visit our IRC chatroom: irc.freenode.net #tikiwiki . New to IRC? It's a great time to learn. Please see our step by step instructions on how to connect to Tiki's IRC channel. XMPP chat will also be available soon.

Contribute to the documentation

Please visit doc.tiki.org and help if you can. Here at Tiki we eat our own DogFood, so when you notice something missing or erroneous, and you are a registered user of the site, you can add or correct it yourself. Adding/editing a page is as simple as double clicking where you want the addition to be (depending on your site preferences), or just click the edit button.

There is also an ancient legacy 350 page fully illustrated documentation file for Tiki 1.6 (PDF). This is a very old PDF - Tiki has added hundreds of new features and options since version 1.6 - but it is still an interesting introduction.