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TikiFest was fun!

TikiFest photo Gallery

Tiki has been selected as part of the upcoming debate at the PHP Quebec Conference 2004. We are holding a TikiFest during this period, before & after PHPconf.

Php ConfMarch Thu 25 - Fri26
TikiFestMarch Sat 20 - Sun 21 - Mon 22 - Tue 23 - Wed 24 - Sat 27 - Sun 28

What is a TikiFest?

We don't know yet ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let's get together as many Tiki devs in one place for as long as possible and see what happens...

Likely we'll transform my place in a Tiki hut for a week! Bring your laptop & sleeping bag. If you don't have a laptop, I have a few extra computers available.

It could look like something like this:

  • Sort what hardware is broken or not
  • Code
  • Pizza
  • Discussing World Domination
  • Code
  • Arguing about the code
  • Beer
  • Sleep on one of Marc's couches
  • Cold Pizza for breakfast
  • Code
  • goto 10 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Come for a day or come for the week!!

We can setup VOIP phone line and a webcam for people who have an excuse not to be there (like living in Argentina) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Initial post about this crazy idea:

Entry in LinuxQuebec's calendar:


Oh yeah, don't forget to register to the phpconference! My place is walking distance from the hotel so Tikiers can stay at my place.

CMS Debate: Which CMS for your organisation?
(TikiWiki, Spip, Xoops, Typo3, Zope)

Info on the conference:

Who is/will be there?

Please confirm your presence below
mose 20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28
marclaporte 20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28
Robin Y. Millette still have to register...
elecnix 20-21 and maybe more
Chealer9 (ville de Quรฉbec) squatted the area during the weekend 20-21 ๐Ÿ˜€
marco 20-21
broubrou 20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28
Sylvain Carle, not sure when yet, but I will drop by to challenge you guys a bit...
who else?

... and who can't!...

weichelt Germany is just to far away - Have some fun and send some moving(?) pictures!
Damian cant, but will be via the TikiGod cam ๐Ÿ˜
ohertel do not get holidays for some weeks now, pretty busy...



Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:32:56 GMT-0000