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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

TikiFest2018 Montreal papercut

Wishes related to improvement where we may find more stuff to do for this session: Wishlist

Discussion Points 2018-09-08

Page Actions

  • Take them out of the arrow menu
  • Have the possibility to put it on top / bottom or in a floating button, like right now, but Make it look more like a button (Add Page Actions title + add background)

Prefs and setup default changes

Suggestions From JonnyBs_Luxury_Tiki_Setup 

  • feature_jquery_tablesorter: y
  • feature_obzip: y
  • feature_quick_object_perms: y
  • feature_sefurl: y (controversial?)
  • wiki_cache: 7200
  • feature_wiki_icache: y
  • feature_wysiwyg: y
  • fgal_elfinder_feature: y
  • fgal_use_db: n (needs the dir setting, to /files or /storage?)
  • jquery_ui_chosen: y
  • layout_tabs_optional: n
  • permission_denied_login_box: y
  • rememberme: all
  • remembertime: 2629743 (1 month?)
  • cookie_refresh_rememberme: y
  • user_show_realnames: y
  • wiki_edit_icons_toggle: y* site_title_location: after
  • wiki_url_scheme: dash
  • users_prefs_remember_closed_rboxes: y
  • namespace_separator: __


  • site_closed (but we need a way for new admins to open the site easily when ready)

Already done

  • menu 42 module title "System Menu"
  • Remove Quick Admin module
  • Make left and right columns user switchable


1. Pagination:
- if there is less than 25 rows, hide the row dropdown
- take out the extra number for the page total

2. Create forum:
-Make the Create Forum button more obvious
-Disable the Duplicate Forum button if there is currently no forum

File Gallery:

- When a file is uploaded, add title saying : You file has been uploaded. Click here to view all uploaded files.

Logo upload:

- have an easier way to upload logo (luci and jonny)
Note about the solution: We have now an link/icon close to the logo to change the picture and that’s great.
The link goes to tiki-admin.php?page=look&cookietab=2&highlight=sitelogo_src#feature_sitelogo_childcontainer that show a warning about being deprecated and moved to modules. If the futur is to use the module logo and to use a picture from the file gallery then we should be there already. (I understand this is more complicate of course)

- Leave it open at the section we are in right now (now when page refreshes we loose where we are and we have to re click it)
- Highlight the section we are in

OL and UL:

There is always a 30px ish margin-left EVRYWHERE in tiki, I asked Gary to remove it.
- He said he will in the menus to the left. Done.
- He said for content zone we should ask community before doing it

Logo suggestion:

The actual logo is quite high, here is a suggestion to reduce its height. The first one is the actual one. The second one is the most conservative suggestion, and the others are there just for brainstorm

Wizard on first setup :

- suggestion to take out the option of upgrading

Construction stage:

When site isnt ready yet, take anonymous user to a in construction site

Info or Warning Messages

  • message displayed to user that is not logged in is a red 'Warning', which seems overly harsh, a much better alternative could be a blue 'Info' message
  • however, if a user does not have permission to view a page, than the red 'Warning' message should be shown.

Site Wizard

We are working on a new SITE WIZARD, see this page

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