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Translation Student Program


  • Program for translation students to gain practical experience translating Tiki (the software)
  • A project of the i18n Team


  • Using i18n.tiki.org
    • Thus, they can contribute via a web interface and in context
  • If it's a language which is already fully translated, they can work on translating the documentation.


For future phases, this will be translation students all over the World, but for initial phase:

  • Daida_Q
  • Olaf-Michael (omstefanov), i18n coordinator, and Leu, i18n server gardener, would like to also be able have access to and run these scripts.
  • jpdebian


What is really cool with this project

  • It provides real-World experience to student translators
  • The result is contributed to a major Open Source project
    • Remember all the homework you did in school? Well, it never was useful to anybody!
  • Students learn a software which that has a high likelihood of being useful to them (ex.: for a personal blog, a class wiki, etc.)
  • It is repeatable to any number of languages
  • Once we have ironed out the process, any translation department in the World can participate!
  • Get feedback from real-World users of Tiki

Other notes

  • Sometimes, the feature / label is not clear in English, making it difficult to translate. We should develop a way for translators to report unclear interfaces.
  • Untranslated strings should have a different style (ex.: be in red) to make it faster to find them on the page and to avoid ambiguous cases where the translated word is identical to the source (as often happens between English & French)
  • We would need to be able to track who translated what (via tiki.org usernames) so the teachers can evaluate students and for proper credits to be attributed when the bot commits.