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My name is Chris Austin and I'm currently employed as a Systems
Architect/Programmer in Vancouver, Canada. I have been using linux for 10+
years at home and for the last 5 years at work. I code mostly in C, however,
I have written a php/mysql on-line transaction browser and various other small
php scripts.

I had been searching for a perfect php CMS for almost 2 years until I found
the Tiki project. I've tried almost all of them and Tiki is by far the best!
I have found Tiki well organized, nicely documented, has excellent features
and the community is friendly.

I am in the process of introducing Tiki to my department and we will be going
live very soon. Later on we will be developing some modules that will
integrate into some of our backoffice systems.

In the meantime I want to dig in and start helping with development.
Marc Laporte has provided some ideas for me to think
about :-


Distributed Authentication

An IMAP client

  • this one
  • that one


  • Should we attempt to port IMP or
  • SquirrelMail or capitalize on current tiki
  • WebMail POP3 code?
    • Dunno


  • Created new file imap.php
  • Added imap_hostname, imap_port, changed pop,port, in tiki.sql
  • Added account_type, imap stuff, pop variable rename to replace_webmail_accounts() in lib/webmail/webmaillib.php
  • Modified templates/tiki-webmail.tpl to add new imaps fields to form
  • Modified tiki-webmail.php settings section to add new imap fields

Page last modified on Thursday 21 August 2003 07:41:22 GMT-0000