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Hy to all who are interested in such information who i am
On the one side of live i administrate some community pages with special interests in art design painting and so on
i stoped using windows in the year 1998
today i use Gentoo Linux by default on AMD 64 X2 4200+ Asus M2NPV-VM Sockel AM2 - 6GB DDR800 - 250 350SATA + 500GB Raid 1 - Monitor:Samsung 245B 1920x1200

The other side to get some money
i'm a artist
Artwork in Oil- and Acryl on nearly everthing and wallpainting up to more than 25 meter in witdh. Sculptures casted in resirn plaster and metal, lifecasting and so on
We are member of the Association of Lifecasters International
perhaps some times somebody translate the following in german into a englich translation

Ein kreatives Hallo an alle
welche sich hier her gewagt haben, um zu sehen was oder wer ich bin
kurz gesagt
freischaffender Künstler mit schlechtem english
den Rest könnt ihr auf einer meiner Seiten finden.

Atelier Merath

My Wikipage
debuk.org a german community for Art Sculptures and real live lifecasting

Page last modified on Tuesday 05 May 2009 09:28:57 GMT-0000

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