

I recently graduated (Ph. D.) from the Université de Sherbrooke, more precisely the physics department. I'm now working full time on open source software and doing research on high performance computing.

I'm employed by the Centre de Calcul Scientifique de l'Univerisité de Sherbrooke and by the École Polytechnique de Montréal where I am a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Michel Dagenais.

Open Source Software I contribute(d) to
  • OSCAR Open Source Cluster Application Ressources. A complete cluster stack to easily install, manage and use high performance clusters.
  • thin-OSCAR This is an OSCAR subproject so that OSCAR can support out of the box nodes without hard disk (diskless nodes)
  • Linux Trace Toolkit Trace of events in the Linux kernel. I'm working more precisely on distributed LTT (on clusters) in order to debug and profile parallel applications
  • MyDynaWeb A content management system using the LAMP technology

My Personal Web Site (in French)

Page last modified on Monday 08 September 2003 02:26:49 GMT-0000