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Who I Am

I work as an instructional designer/technologist in a polytechnic in Singapore. I'm not a programmer though. I am also taking a Master of Art in Instructional Design & Technology at the National Institute of Education in Singapore. Currently working on a Master's thesis on the use of Tikiwiki in educational settings.

My Experiences with Wikis

My colleagues and I started using MediaWiki for project management and training planning/scheduling around August last year, when our reporting officer went on maternity leave.

Towards the end of 2004, I started tinkering with TikiWiki. Piloted a knowledge building exercise with a lecturer in our polytechnic in Feb this year (2005), followed by a few more other kinds of exercises with two other lecturers. To date, I see a number of issues that need to be resolved:

  • Grouping of pages by project groups
  • Restriction of page access by project group members
  • Assessment of individual and group contributions on the wiki
  • Checks for plagiarism (e.g. submission to turnitin.com)
  • Duplication of wiki page names, etc.

Have upgraded to 1.9.1. Now eyeing Akira MultiTiki - but at a loss at how to execute the command line instructions given through my web host's Control Panel.

Open for Discussion

I am keen to discuss in more detail on the use of Tikiwiki in educational institutions.

Page last modified on Sunday 06 November 2005 14:38:15 GMT-0000

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