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Gary Cunningham-Lee and Xavier de Pedro nominated to the Tiki Admin Group (TAG)
Aangeleverd door Marc Laporte op Do 27 van Mar, 200804:16 (1717 gelezen)
The Tiki Admin Group (TAG) is proud to announce the nominations of 2 new members, Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) and Xavier de Pedro (xavi).

Both have been long standing and active contributors in the TikiWiki community.
Gary Cunningham-Lee
Originally from Oregon in the United States, he attended the University of Oregon and the University of Hawaii. In Hawaii he worked in early childhood education (teaching and administration), and later started a woodworking business. After relocating to Japan, he joined an advertising and translation company as a writer and editor. His first experience with TikiWiki was to organize and run a web site for PowerPC software developers and a PPC system board and firmware maker. He mainly works on porting and making new themes for Tiki (see zukakakina.comexternal link), and leads the themes project at themes.tiki.orgexternal link. He is also a very valuable contributor to the forumsexternal link and to the documentationexternal link.

Xavier de Pedro
Xavier de Pedro studied a Biology degree at University of Barcelona, where he also did a Ph.D. in Ecology. He has been teaching Biology and Environmental Sciences at various levels, from college to university.He also performed research on new teaching methodologies using collaborative tools (such as Wikis and collaborative platforms like TikiWiki CMS/Groupware), to enhance learning processes in blended or distance learning scenarios. He is one of the admins of http://edu.tiki.orgexternal link, and an active contributor to TikiWiki Documentationexternal link (http://doc.tiki.orgexternal link), Editorial Board member, and participant at the CLWEexternal link Project from http://wiki-translationexternal link.

He lives in Barcelona, speaks and writes Catalan, Spanish and English, and he is also involved in NGO's where they use Tiki, such as:

* Group for Free Knowledge at University of Barcelona (gclUB, http://gclub.ub.esexternal link),
* Association of Early Stage Researchers in Catalonia (D-Recerca, http://drecerca.orgexternal link),
* Federation of Young Researchers in Spain (FJI/Precarios, http://precarios.orgexternal link),
* "Altercoms" non profit cooperative ( http://moviments.netexternal link )
* Intercanvis.net: a web for the free exchanges and community currency transactions in Barcelona ( http://intercanvis.netexternal link ). Image

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:56:25 GMT-0000