

Part of a sociology research group GameCODE that will be using tikiwiki as our platform (public + private). We're in the process of moving from a testing tikiwiki install to our permanent one. (finally up and running)

also member of Ile Sans Fil (montreal wireless community group)

I submitted two request for feature enhancements:


-1023363 - trackbacks between objects (calendar events, blog posts,etc)

-1023362 - adding lat/long for all objects (calendar event, photo, etc)

The full requests are copied below.

1023362 adding lat/long for all objects (calendar event, photo, etc)

"I want each object (calendar events, individual blog entries, photos, files, etc) to be able to contain lat/long info. If I upload a picture, I want to be able to add that information to it.

Ideally, instead of having to know the lat/long myself, I would be able to click a place on one of the maps and apply that approx lat/long to whichever object I was handling.

Ordinarily, those fields would be blank because most of the time users wouldn't supply a lat/long. Alternatively, I could chose to have my user lat/long information automatically applied to each object I created.

Of course searching by geographical area, category, user, type of event (calendar events, blog entries, etc) or any combination of those would be the next step.

To explain why I want this:
This kind of feature would go along with the ability of each object to send, receive, and display 2-way trackbacks. Imagine a user attends an event on the calendar. S/he takes a picture and uploads it to a photo gallery. There is no way of connecting those pieces of information. I would love to be able to copy a trackback url for that calendar event, and include it when I upload the photo. The calendar event would now say that it has one trackback ping and someone could follow that link. Also, the photo would show that it "contains" a trackback ping to another object.

And if I wanted to write a blog post about that picture, I could trackback ping it, etc.

Both of these kinds of features (lat/long info and trackbacks) allows us to tie together the massive amount of information that can be put in a TW and gives us other ways of navigating it."

and this second request:

1023363 trackbacks between objects (calendar events, blog posts,etc)

"This request is submitted along with 1023362 (request for lat/long of all objects).

This idea comes from the idea of doing trackback ping in blog posts to let someone know that your entry is tied to his/hers.

The ability of each object to send, receive, and display 2-way trackbacks. Imagine a user attends an event on the calendar. S/he takes a picture and uploads it to a photo gallery. There is no way of connecting those pieces of information. I would love to be able to copy a trackback url for that calendar event, and include it when I upload the photo. The calendar event would now say that it has one trackback ping and someone could follow that link. Also, the photo would show that it "contains" a trackback ping to another object.

And if I wanted to write a blog post about that picture, I could trackback ping it, etc.

Both of these kinds of features (lat/long info and trackbacks) allows us to tie together the massive amount of information that can be put in a TW and gives us other ways of navigating it.

Also importantly, this would be best if it was implemented in such a way that it wasn't restricted only to other Tikiwiki users. It should be done according to the regular trackback standards so that I can use my external blog and do a trackback to a picture in a tikiwiki site. Or I upload a calendar event and ping a post on someones blog.

Sorry I can't give a more technical request."

Page last modified on Tuesday 07 September 2004 00:24:39 GMT-0000