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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


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-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GE/CS/IT/O d-(pu) s: a+ C++$>+++$ UL++++ UA* P+ L+++ E? W++ N++>- !o K? w---@ O? M+>++ V+$ PS+(++) PE-- Y-(+) PGP>+ t 5? X-- R* !tv b+++ DI? !D G e++++ h---->++ r++++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/ if you misread the code 😊


Bonjour !

I live in Auvergne in middle of France, in a little village, where I turn our micro firm toggg
I'm a tikidev but I "work" allmost by PEAR and Routeit
At your disposal for any developement...
Tikiwiki works:
  • TogggDeletor (citate by Mambo ! 😂❗
  • DrawToggg
  • switchMenuPlugin
  • bug hunts
  • security fixes
  • ...
  • bad politics


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