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My name is Jayaram. I am a member of the Tiki CMS/Groupware project.

I am learning about ontologies and why they are important for the semantic web.
I am also a user of Protege. As more & more people adopt Tiki in the coming weeks & months, I hope to develop models to suit different business processes. I am mainly involved in tiki advocacy and modeling.

My long term vision for Tiki is that we can make it possible to implement rules for business processes such that, in conjunction with the workflow engine and a software agent, it becomes possible to route on-demand information (from all over the internet) to any team member (myself first 😉.

Like Marc, I would like to be able to use Tiki as a personal knowledgebase, run a small to medium organization (business, not-for-profit, education, etc) or even a small country! Thousands of people doing all the stuff they need via the web.

Outside Tiki, I am a freelance IT consultant and an open source enthusiast. I am also looking for a job. I have a Master's degree in EE from Notre Dame and over 18 years of experience in the semiconductor, EDA, IT and auto industries.

I live in Scottsdale, Arizona with my wife and 3 sons. I can be reached at tiki.

TikiTeams Team Name


Team Goal

To develop an ontology for tikiwiki using Protege

Team Members
  • ??


Tikiwiki > Social Contract | TikiLife

Page last modified on Friday 29 August 2003 06:47:28 GMT-0000