That irc log retrace the operation of migration, as it was coordinated from irc beetween marclaporte, albrown, mose and others. Some parts of the session are stripped (chit-chat and jokes), as it's a 6 hours run, you can read the integral log on
14:56 : albrown morning all
15:47 : marclaporte_ hi!
15:52 : mose yo
15:56 : albrown marc: with Damien's withdrawl from the project I'm assuming that the offer to host the demo is gone.
15:57 : mose any news from btw ?
15:58 : albrown none, how about I buy a domain name and you can host the site. 😉)
15:59 : marclaporte_ I'd rather have somewhere where the dev is pretty active
15:59 : marclaporte_ So we move to plan B
15:59 : albrown I have a feeling that getting that using that domain name gets farther away all the time
15:59 : marclaporte_ haha
15:59 : marclaporte_ the main thing is the speed
16:00 : albrown you be it is we got about 850 unique visitors yesterday
16:00 : albrown about 4500-5000 page views on just the demo
16:00 : marclaporte_ We need Mr Polidor to redirect DNS, that's fast an easy
16:01 : albrown yes, if ...
16:01 : albrown If we can't get something going soon my offer to buy a domain still stands
16:03 : albrown even if we get the domain name who else has offered to host?
16:03 : mose tex and me
16:04 : albrown Very Good!!
16:04 : mose the european commando
16:04 : mose 😊
16:04 : marclaporte_ Mose + Tex
16:04 : marclaporte_ maybe others, I'd have to check
16:04 : marclaporte_ I must say that Mose's multi site thingy is most interesting
16:04 : mose I install 2 sites per week 😊
16:05 : mose too easy
16:05 : albrown I can always point to your server if you want to do that
16:05 : marclaporte_ we definately want to conserve those links
16:06 : albrown I think that you are right, sf is not going to help us with that
16:06 : albrown I have direct control of my domains and can change them whenever I need so moving alt and test is not a problem
16:07 : marclaporte_ Can you guys think of any reason why we shouldn't move the demo site today to Mose's server?
16:07 : mose thinks
16:08 : albrown yes, I'm a bit busy, I could give mose access to phpmyadmin on the server though
16:08 : marclaporte_ Are you too busy to flip the DNSs?
16:10 : mose propagation on names servers worldwide will take up to 48h
16:11 : mose the address is
16:12 : albrown got it.
16:20 : mose hmm the demo site is 1.6.1 I can put it on a virtual 1.7
16:20 : mose have to setup a separate tree
16:20 : mose won't be long
16:20 : albrown I'd say that we are in transition go for it
16:21 : mose the csv evrsion will be fine anyway
16:21 : albrown Marc, can you send a note to the list and make a page entry that the site is being moved and that any changes made after now will most likely be lost
16:28 : Joined PYRoToP (
16:59 : marclaporte_ al: I'll let list know and change demo page
16:59 : albrown coolness
17:05 : marclaporte_ Mose: can you make the switch without any down time?
17:06 : mose there will be no downtime
17:06 : marclaporte_ with dns magic
17:06 : mose if I get the db
17:07 : marclaporte_ So I don't need to modify the demo site?
17:07 : albrown concurr, untill dns changes they will see existing location, after change they will see the new location
17:07 : mose it's not a downtime, but a db change
17:07 : marclaporte_ You can point your dns to the old site until the propagation is over?
17:07 : mose that means that changes made after I egt the db will not be reported on new one
17:08 : marclaporte_ So maybe we should freeze the demo site?
17:08 : mose yes maybe a freeze announce is not bad
17:08 : mose or anyway
17:08 : mose it's a demo site
17:09 : albrown It's frozen now as mose has already started harvesting db
17:09 : marclaporte_ ok
17:15 : albrown when you can get in marc go ahead and edit the demo homepage it will be in the dump then
17:27 : albrown I see 21 users all over the site
17:28 : marclaporte_ I am preparing a "marketing campaign"
17:28 : albrown good reason to move it
17:28 : marclaporte_ big by open source standards 😉
17:28 : marclaporte_ but Al: you are still editor in chief of the demo site
17:28 : albrown I turned off the bottom bar, and there have been many less complaints about how long it takes to load
17:29 : marclaporte_ Mose will relieve you from technical duties
17:29 : albrown good by me
17:29 : Joined ohertel (
17:30 : ohertel Hey!
17:30 : albrown howdy
17:30 : albrown sets mode +o ohertel
17:30 : marclaporte_ Hi Pyro!
17:30 : PYRoToP hey marc! heh how are things?
17:32 : albrown marc - mose: I'll delay putting in the dns change till mose has the database that could mean that the change won't happen till monday as tomorrow is a holiday and most folks here are off
17:33 : marclaporte_ mose: Do I ask Mr Polidor to point to
17:34 : Joined teedog (~teedog@
17:34 : albrown ok, I'll put it in now and we'll back fill the db when mose gets it?
17:34 : teedog morning, afternoon, evening all
17:35 : albrown howdy teedog
17:35 : mose heya teedog
17:42 : mose fixed mod-calendar bug on cvs
17:42 : marclaporte_ mose: the demo site will continue to be in 1.6.1?
17:42 : mose sure
17:42 : albrown we chat mose fixes 😉 life is good
17:42 : mose unless you wish it's cvs
17:42 : ohertel mose which calender, aren't there 3 right now? 😉
17:43 : ohertel the mini one, the epheremides and the new one.
17:43 : mose I'm the master of calendars 😉
17:43 : mose the mini-one and eph was bugged
17:43 : ohertel Then throw 2 of those away and add their features to the third one. 😊
17:43 : mose because modification fro wang that fixed time
17:44 : mose one unique solution is a bad way
17:44 : mose diversity is good in software ecosystem 😉
17:44 : teedog question: are we in feature freeze yet?
17:44 : teedog for 1.7 i mean
17:44 : mose not yet
17:44 : mose saturday
17:44 : mose afaik
17:45 : teedog i see
17:45 : mose mabye at the end only one calendar will survive
17:46 : mose but the last one is rather complicated I think, for some users
17:47 : mose albrown: so what about that db ? can yuo dump it locally ? I tried to dump by chunks it refuses to cooperate
17:51 : marclaporte_ I'll be back in a few hours
17:52 : albrown
17:53 : albrown mose is there a name record?
17:53 : albrown ro the server
17:53 : mose
17:54 : albrown change is in here
17:56 : mose hehe it works already
17:56 : mose but there is no db
17:59 : mose I put a fresh db in the while ?
18:03 : albrown I think so
18:03 : mose done
18:03 : albrown what else can we do
18:05 : mose I put a message on homepage
18:05 : mose Page generated in: 0.29514801502228 seconds
18:05 : mose 😊
18:06 : albrown good deal, I still see old site at this location
18:06 : albrown 😉)
18:06 : mose but the db is empty
18:06 : mose easy to be fast with an empty bag on the back
18:08 : mose 4 users already
18:27 : awwaiid hi
18:37 : albrown mose I've gotten part down as dumps how can I best send you zip files?
18:42 : mose put on a http url
18:42 : mose so I wget it
18:42 : mose forget the dcc send
18:42 : albrown ok
18:44 : mose 5 people on demo for now
19:01 : albrown gone to lunch back soon
19:53 : albrown I give up on parts pieces mose, too many tables too large. Whole dump this evening
20:16 : albrown I think that lin caching needs a good lookin into. It appears to be making a new copy of a cached page on each open of the page
20:16 : albrown not a very good cache
20:16 : ohertel uh oh. 😉
20:16 : mose not very clever
20:16 : ohertel no cache at all. 😉
20:16 : albrown you will see only the latest
20:17 : albrown no lots of worthless cache\
20:17 : ohertel Maybe switching the cache off is faster because you don't have the long db search then? 😉
20:17 : albrown what am I complaining about that's what I've always wanted lots of wothless cash. 😊)
20:18 : albrown maybe
20:18 : albrown I think that the thing would be the copy of the cached page each time, page latency at the other site
20:22 : mose do you talk about cache for external urls ?
20:23 : albrown yep
20:23 : mose oh excellent news
20:23 : mose if it don't trash cached
20:23 : mose it has an historical value
20:23 : mose for reference in temporal context
20:24 : mose we just need an interface to display the old ones
20:24 : albrown Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! sort of a webified time machine?
20:24 : mose exactly
20:24 : mose when you talk about something, you give an url
20:25 : albrown Maybe at least it shouldn't save them unless the page has been updated?
20:25 : mose it should be conserved for future reference, even if site changes
20:25 : albrown maybe not if it hasn't
20:25 : mose yes there is probably a need for work on that part of things
20:25 : mose to make it as clever as it deserves
20:26 : albrown I like the caching but 106 copies of the same page on SF where a bug was posted is not happy making
20:26 : albrown all identical
20:26 : mose 😊
20:27 : ohertel Hm, what do I do with my folder icons... remove the animation of them before release?
20:27 : albrown I guess that one should never be forgotten. 😊)
20:27 : marclaporte_ signoff: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
20:47 : mose woaow 17 users on the new demo site
20:47 : ohertel hehe
20:47 : tom_ eh eh
20:47 : zaufi_ btw there is demo site ?:)
20:48 : zaufi_ I'll be 18th 😊
20:48 : mose yes, the alt from al
20:48 : zaufi_ where is it?
20:48 : mose but we migrated it because a big traffic
20:48 : mose
20:48 : mose it's migrating in dns right now
20:48 : mose you may have the old one
20:49 : ohertel what's a tinfoilhat, btw? 😊
20:49 : mose and
20:49 : mose luis had news from mr polidor
20:49 : mose and is activiated right now
20:50 : mose al ? can you explain ?
20:50 : mose the tinfoil hat thing ?
20:50 : albrown nope, just read the email
20:50 : albrown I suspect that he's pointed it to you that's what i read
20:51 : mose yes my question was about your domain name actually 😉
20:51 : albrown what about it
20:51 : mose what is a tinfoil hat ?
20:51 : albrown my domain
20:51 : ohertel yeah, but what does that mean? 😊
20:51 : mose what is that object, for non-english people it's not obvious
20:52 : albrown just something that I came up with when I was looking for a domain
20:52 : mose pure random choice ?
20:52 : albrown nope, tin foil hats are for people that are afraid that people are reading their thoughts
20:52 : ohertel Ah. 😊
20:53 : ohertel Are you afraid of that? hehe
20:53 : albrown normally tied up with conspiracy theories about the government.
20:53 : mose ahhhh
20:53 : albrown nope but I do worry a bit about bush
20:53 : mose yes tinfoil hat
20:53 : ohertel that bush person is too dumb to have any conspiracies running...
20:53 : mose I remember a movie where they use tinfoil hats
20:54 : albrown sid you see the movie signs?
20:54 : mose very kewl object
20:54 : zaufi_ BTW have the only login: admin with default (well-known) password 😊)
20:54 : albrown yes he is dumb but he has the money to push around a lot of very smart people.
20:55 : mose changed pass
20:55 : albrown I personally think that George Sr was more honest
20:57 : marclaporte__ hi all
20:57 : ohertel rehi marc. 😊
20:57 : albrown howdy
20:57 : mose hey marc
20:58 : mose I'm setting up
20:58 : zaufi_ hi
21:00 : mose comon everybody open your account on
21:00 : ohertel hehe
21:01 : ohertel there is no register button...
21:01 : mose now tehre is
21:01 : mose Me is still setting up
21:01 : ohertel *reload* 😉
21:01 : ohertel Ah!
21:01 : mose activates all the features
21:02 : ohertel beh. 😉 Page generated in: 3.79 seconds
21:02 : marclaporte__ works for me
21:03 : marclaporte__ but alt. still points to old server
21:03 : mose what theme do you want ?
21:03 : ohertel olive... oh, it's not in there in 1.6.1... damn. 😉
21:04 : ohertel Ah, it's 1.7!
21:04 : albrown Warning: Data is not in a recognized format. in /home/mose/var/tikicvs/tiki-pick_avatar.php on line 46
21:04 : albrown Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/mose/var/tikicvs/tiki-pick_avatar.php on line 47
21:04 : albrown Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/mose/var/tikicvs/tiki-pick_avatar.php on line 48
21:04 : albrown Warning: Division by zero in /home/mose/var/tikicvs/tiki-pick_avatar.php on line 53
21:04 : albrown Warning: Division by zero in /home/mose/var/tikicvs/tiki-pick_avatar.php on line 54
21:04 : albrown Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/mose/var/tikicvs/tiki-pick_avatar.php on line 57
21:04 : mose I installed cvs version
21:04 : marclaporte__ will be different than alt.thetinfoilhat?
21:05 : mose I put you in developers group (editors rights level)
21:05 : ohertel There is a .t+est.css in styles folder...
21:05 : mose no idea
21:05 : mose oh yes I remove it
21:05 : zaufi_ oops!!! after registering on my konqueror show me only blank (empty) pages... (w/o any content)!! 😑)
21:05 : marclaporte__ why open new account on
21:06 : mose hmm you are right we can get those from or from alt.
21:07 : marclaporte__ In general, I would prefer using categories to make subsites
21:07 : marclaporte__ ex.: developper section
21:07 : marclaporte__ documentation section, etc
21:08 : ohertel maybe add some more modules then. 😊
21:08 : mose where can we make go then ?
21:08 : mose what's your idea marc ?
21:09 : mose hmm only come to me, anyway
21:10 : ohertel I still don't understand how to use that workflow thingy...
21:10 : mose you have to digest galaxia docs
21:10 : ohertel That didn't help. 😉
21:10 : mose too
21:12 : ohertel uh oh. 😊 Last login: jeu 03 of jui, 2003
21:13 : ohertel Why do I see a frensh date when I've selected Language "en"? 😊
21:13 : ohertel french
21:13 : mose hmm wait I check it
21:14 : ohertel I think we only use the server language settings, not the selected user language or country ...
21:14 : marclaporte__ My idea for
21:14 : mose fixed
21:14 : marclaporte__ We need to clean up the demo site
21:14 : ohertel yes, fixed...
21:14 : mose we shouldn't confuse beetween a demo site and a workplace site
21:14 : marclaporte__ we need each dev to make his home page and explain what they are working on
21:15 : marclaporte__ hmmm
21:15 : mose demo can be broken
21:15 : ohertel another thing: on the Preferences page there are still a lot of different font sizes, we need to fix that page...
21:15 : marclaporte__ I don't see a real need for a demo site
21:15 : mose there is a need for a publicly testable site
21:15 : ohertel I think we need!
21:15 : mose a quick test place
21:15 : marclaporte__ They can use the official site
21:16 : marclaporte__ sandbox
21:16 : ohertel Sometimes it's a bit hard to move to a new software... on a demo site you can see if it's work it.
21:16 : marclaporte__ we can use this one:
21:16 : ohertel Using ALL the features Tiki provides...
21:16 : ohertel hm...
21:16 : marclaporte__ or manke another
21:16 : marclaporte__ make
21:16 : mose it's a choice we should discuss with all others
21:17 : mose maybe setup a vote system
21:17 : marclaporte__ of course
21:18 : marclaporte__ IMHO, it doesn't make sense that the official site "" isn't in Tiki
21:18 : ohertel Hm, I can't do anything in 'charts'.
21:18 : ohertel marc: true. 😊
21:18 : mose yes !
21:19 : mose charts ? lemme check perms
21:19 : marclaporte__ Lorinc, Al & I worked on a plan for an official site
21:19 : mose where is it visible ?
21:19 : marclaporte__ it's secret 😉
21:19 : ohertel hehehe
21:20 : mose so it's invalid 😉
21:20 : ohertel doh! conspiracy!
21:20 : mose secret is not good for anyone
21:20 : marclaporte__ tinfoil hat 😉
21:20 : mose open an account it's fast, I put you admin
21:21 : marclaporte__
21:21 : ohertel hehe
21:21 : ohertel Page cannot be found
21:21 : mose hehe
21:22 : mose on teh new site it can't 😊
21:22 : ohertel btw: there is a bug in this style used there.
21:22 : mose we have to wait the dump
21:22 : ohertel below "Page cannot be found" is another line... it's white on white. 😊
21:22 : mose ah yes true
21:22 : ohertel it becomes cyan on mouseover. 😊
21:23 : ohertel Hm, class= linkmenu
21:23 : ohertel we should change that.
21:25 : albrown looks good Mose!
21:25 : mose I put you admin al
21:25 : albrown much faster, can't wait to see what we get after you load the dump
21:25 : mose to conduct your secret plan
21:25 : albrown Secret?
21:26 : mose shhht
21:26 : albrown 😉)
21:26 : mose (it secret)
21:26 : ohertel Luis already said everything in the sourceforge interview: "world domination" 😉
21:26 : albrown Now I'll have to make one. 😊)
21:26 : marclaporte__ al: please check your email
21:29 : mose nice comment of luis about that money question 😊
21:29 : mose I like that guy
21:30 : ohertel =)
21:30 : albrown got it Marc
21:30 : marclaporte__ I like Luis too
21:30 : marclaporte__ I hope to meet him one day
21:31 : marclaporte__ So I am now the Luis Bank of Canada!
21:31 : mose let's raise funds ofr a tikiwiki international event !
21:31 : mose that is a good expense 😊
21:32 : marclaporte__ let's start during a logiciel libre vent or an OSCOM 😉
21:32 : albrown marc, ygm
21:32 : marclaporte__ event
21:32 : ohertel yeah, lets make a lot of money and meet on the bahamas. 😊
21:32 : mose vote for ohertel
21:32 : albrown second
21:32 : ohertel Okay, bahamas then. 😀
21:32 : marclaporte__ ohertel for President!!!
21:33 : ohertel uh oh. never.
21:33 : mose we should recruit a tour operator i dev team
21:33 : mose ohertel as tour operator !!
21:33 : mose 😉
21:33 : albrown While I'm in Pheonix for a vacation week next month I'll try to find one. 😉)
21:34 : ohertel who's living there?
21:34 : albrown I'll check all the bars
21:34 : ohertel oh...
21:34 : albrown My timeshare is there
21:34 : mose who is scott fisher ?
21:35 : albrown I've seen him post on the list
21:35 : mose he opened an account on is he a tikidev ?
21:35 : mose is lost too much people 😊
21:37 : mose he he's not on sf list
21:37 : marclaporte__ scott took charge of our documentation
21:38 : mose that's a worthy one then 😊
21:38 : albrown Ok guys how about a plan?
21:39 : mose agrees
21:39 : marclaporte__ yes, a plan
21:39 : albrown thinks hard and then noise pops out!!
21:39 : ohertel hehe
21:39 : albrown A. the site is the official site
21:39 : mose no
21:39 : mose
21:39 : mose is a 404
21:40 : marclaporte__ is OK
21:40 : albrown B. arguments as to IF we need a seperate demo have the floor
21:40 : ohertel oh, why that?
21:40 : marclaporte__ please go and play on the highway
21:40 : mose hehehe
21:40 : albrown C. Dev site for confab of developers is a good question
21:41 : marclaporte__ confab?
21:41 : albrown d. Combine documentation efforts with Official site as a category ?
21:41 : albrown confab: a place to share info and tasks, infornation, ...
21:42 : marclaporte__ ok
21:42 : marclaporte__ I only have on thing to say (for now) let's eat our own dogfood
21:43 : mose imho, a demo site is required
21:43 : albrown Do we need a seperate demo site where people can com in register and mess around? I think yes, I also think that it should be the latest downloadable version that any noob can get off of SF
21:43 : mose separated from a development site
21:43 : ohertel yes.
21:43 : mose yes, and its content can be restrored with sample data regularly
21:44 : albrown mose: Yes!
21:44 : mose so it's easy to test things
21:44 : mose they have to be setup
21:44 : mose so we have to prepare a sample conf for a demo site
21:44 : albrown test the current released version, IMO
21:44 : marclaporte__ If demo site was like:
21:44 : marclaporte__ what else would be needed?
21:44 : albrown nope because we won't know that it will be current or how its setup
21:45 : albrown if they want to demo admin stuff then opensourcecms is fine
21:45 : albrown if they want to see what they are getting for their users then we need to providce a stable environment for that
21:46 : mose havign multiple demo site is not a problem
21:46 : mose actually many sites are opened enough to be considered as demo
21:46 : albrown what else do we need? a flush handle to clean out the demo regurlary
21:46 : mose yes that is required so it doesn't get bloated
21:46 : PYRoToP signoff: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
21:46 : mose and it is always fast
21:47 : marclaporte__ With Tex's guided setup process, we could have a few demos to show what each option gives
21:47 : albrown absolutely!
21:47 : marclaporte__ OK, so we all agree on 1 or several demo sites where no official/permanent info is stored
21:47 : albrown yes
21:47 : mose on another ahnds, the devs needs are more pragmatic
21:47 : albrown I'm not sure that we even want a permanant user-user table
21:48 : mose we need a central place to send home-made pages
21:48 : albrown other than some admin ids and a few test users
21:48 : albrown what do you mean mose
21:49 : mose albrown yes we don't need regular user accounts on demo if they can be tested without mail verif
21:49 : albrown that would solve many problems that I have with the demo site now
21:49 : marclaporte__ communication center could be tested with demo site
21:49 : mose we need that xml object sending/receiving feature works well 😊
21:49 : albrown The official site should require registration and email verification
21:50 : mose that is agreed
21:50 : albrown anyone can register but there is a restricted perm set for users
21:50 : mose perms pattern on offical site will need discussions
21:51 : mose for now I setup the 4 levels
21:51 : albrown yes, I think that that is right
21:51 : albrown user can read and submit articles but I'm not even sure that a user can create or edit a wiki page
21:52 : marclaporte__ that is a very good question
21:52 : albrown also allow comments?
21:52 : mose I think wiki concept is good
21:52 : marclaporte__ comments sure
21:52 : mose write for all, rollback if needed
21:52 : marclaporte__ create wiki pages: need to be careful
21:52 : mose unless some pages locked
21:53 : albrown I do too, what do we want to accomplish with the "Official Site"?
21:53 : mose collect energies ?
21:53 : mose dispatch efforts ?
21:53 : marclaporte__ discussion should be in forum & chat, when it reaches one or two conclusions, the wiki page is improved
21:53 : mose provide a stable reference ?
21:53 : albrown true, I agree with the wiki wiki way but most people will look at tiki as just another CMS
21:54 : marclaporte__ A central repository of all Tiki related stuff
21:54 : albrown they will not understand and will be scared away, I'm afraid
21:55 : marclaporte__ Category system is (and should be) so powerful that any information can be organized
21:55 : mose to have edit right on page you mean ?
21:55 : albrown yes I think
21:55 : mose I think the contrary
21:55 : albrown we can always try it more open and then close as required
21:55 : mose yes it can be adjusted with time
21:56 : albrown I agree
21:56 : marclaporte__ yes
21:56 : albrown We need to be able to lock blocks of pages or pages in categories
21:56 : marclaporte__ Did you guys read?:
21:57 : mose we can't
21:57 : mose for now
21:57 : marclaporte__ ohh
21:57 : marclaporte__ go via IP?
21:57 : albrown can i send it to
21:57 : mose please do
21:57 : marclaporte__ wwoaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, smart idea!!!!
21:57 : mose 😊
21:58 : marclaporte__ guys: I gotta eat
21:58 : albrown it hasn't worked yet 😊)\
21:58 : marclaporte__ I will read up all the stuff when I get back
21:58 : mose I gotta think about it too
21:58 : mose albrown we'll make it work !
21:58 : albrown I think that we will too.
21:59 : marclaporte__ We may want to schedule an IRC session on this, or start a thread on ML (once we have basic questions worked out)
21:59 : mose irc meeting can be faster
22:00 : mose and can be loggued also
22:00 : mose as all what we said today
22:00 : albrown yes
22:01 : mose I think that we can setup a weekly meeting
22:01 : mose thinks
22:01 : mose hmm it's stupid it's permanent meeting here anyway
22:01 : mose but having luis with us could be a plus
22:02 : albrown I think that the page should be there
22:02 : ohertel jup. 😊
22:02 : albrown I'd like to hear what luis has to say about it too.
22:03 : albrown I don't see the received page on
22:04 : albrown but it looks like it sent from the alt site
22:04 : mose hmm
22:04 : albrown same again
22:05 : mose where do it send ?
22:05 : mose xmlrpc.php ?
22:05 : mose or commxmlrpc.php ?
22:05 : albrown
22:06 : Joined PYRoToP (
22:06 : albrown Howdy
22:06 : PYRoToP hiya
22:07 : albrown tryed to send to xmlrpc.php and same thing looks liked it worked
22:07 : albrown but no page to receive
22:08 : mose no track in access.log
22:08 : albrown hmmmm, I'll setup the dump tonight
22:09 : albrown sighs
22:09 : mose can you just copy-paste the page ?
22:09 : albrown maybe let me see
22:11 : mose tries with pages
22:13 : albrown
22:14 : mose excellent thanks !
22:14 : Joined marclaporte___ (
22:19 : Joined marclaporte (
22:20 : ohertel eh, marc, what are you doing there? trying to rule the world with marc clones? 😉
22:20 : mose it's an invasion !
22:20 : marclaporte__ was kicked by ohertel (ohertel)
22:20 : mose marc all over the world !
22:20 : marclaporte___ was kicked by ohertel (ohertel)
22:20 : ohertel Better that. 😊
22:20 : mose �who
22:21 : mose sets mode +o marclaporte
22:21 : mose sets mode +o PYRoToP
22:21 : mose sets mode +o zaufi_
22:21 : mose sets mode +o teedog
22:21 : mose sets mode +o tom_
22:22 : mose hmm I have to fix gd on my server it's the mess it seems
22:22 : albrown It's a cnandian conspiracy
22:23 : albrown or at least it would be if I could spell or type.
22:23 : albrown 😉)
22:25 : ohertel hehe
22:26 : mose what version of gd is to be used ?
22:27 : albrown you are the geek, your call 😉)
22:29 : Joined marclaporte_ (
22:29 : mose pff just say me rtfm it's afster ;P
22:29 : mose dives into google
22:29 : albrown chuckles at mose's witty comment
22:30 : mose growls like bears know how
22:30 : albrown runs and hides
22:31 : ohertel hahahah! 😉
22:31 : albrown too bad flo isn't around, he'd know, I thought that he was suggesting gd2 a while back
22:32 : mose I tried both without succes actually
22:32 : albrown ;-(
22:32 : tom_ signoff: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
22:32 : ohertel it's easy, just try the newest stable version and walk back until you find a version that works as needed. :-P
22:34 : mose I prefer to read more and make new version working 😊 regression make me feel bad
22:34 : mose and I also need to add something about exif images indexing, for a customer
22:44 : ohertel We should create a list of tiki production sites somewhere. maybe a page where people can add their urls... directory or something and a wiki page pointing to it...
22:44 : marclaporte signoff: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
22:45 : mose a directory category probably ?
22:45 : albrown we have a page the list of sites on the demo it could easily be made to directory entries
22:46 : ohertel yes, something like that. 😊
22:46 : ohertel A demo site is nice, but people want to see a forum / gallery / ... in action... with lots of content, not only 3-4 self made entries...
22:48 : mose that's why we haev to build a sample demo conf
22:48 : albrown I agree, that's the biggest problem with a demo IMO, a demo is fine for someone trying things to see if they want to download and install. An Official site is more geared towards work and content as I see it
22:49 : albrown I think a good example of an Official site is
22:50 : ohertel hm, is it my connection? 55 seconds to load
22:51 : albrown they have been having some problems lately the site was defaced a week or two ago
22:51 : ohertel oh 😊
22:52 : albrown I have to admit that I chuckled a bit whe I saw that.
22:52 : ohertel do we have backups of OUR pages? 😉
22:52 : albrown sure
22:53 : albrown the database is backed up regurlarly and coppied to cd
22:53 : marclaporte_ signoff: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
22:54 : albrown not frequently enough just regurlry(sp?)
22:54 : Joined marclaporte_ (
22:54 : albrown he's baaaaaaaaaaK again
22:54 : ohertel Hm, "Monthly News Archives" ... we don't have such thing... do we need that? 😉
22:55 : mose with always more underscores !
22:55 : ohertel is clicking around on ...
22:55 : albrown if we had regular news and article posting then it would be a good thing
22:55 : ohertel We should start with that. 😊
22:56 : ohertel A project needs an active community.
22:56 : albrown go into the section of modules, I like the way that's handled
22:56 : ohertel I'm in there right now.
22:57 : albrown lots of good stuff
22:57 : ohertel Module "Weather 1.28" 😉)
22:57 : albrown now if you hack that into a tiki module ..... 😉)
22:58 : ohertel I don't think anyone needs a module weather. 😉 Doh ...