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Subversion updates for all Tiki versions ending January 2023

Gary Cunningham-Lee -

Subversion (SVN) updates for all versions of Tiki will end in January, 2023. The Git and SVN combined workflow will be terminated, and Git will be the sole revision control system used by Tiki. The project's code developers are already using Git exclusively, but anyone using SVN for deployment will need to switch to Git for Tiki code updates, such as by using Tiki Manager.

Keep up with Tiki code changes!

Rick -

With a code commit (change) every two hours 1 it can be difficult to keep up with all the new features, fixes, and changes in Tiki. It is important to stay "in the loop" of these changes, whether you are an "early adopter" getting updates directly from the SVN repository or simply a member of the Tiki Community interested ins seeing what's coming in future releases.

Now, in addition to the commit mailing list, we've created a Twitter stream that contains this information. You can follow all the code updates at @tiki_code.

Be sure to follow the other Tiki Twitter accounts too!

  • @TikiWiki — The official Tiki Twitter account
  • @tiki_search — Automated Twitter search of all things Tiki-related.
  • Tikifest — Channel to follow Tiki meetings (known as Tikifests)

  1. http://cia.vc/stats/project/tikiwiki

TikiFest NY

lindon - - (6880 Reads)

Announcing the first ever TikiFest in New York City being held from January 14-18, 2010!
TikiFestNY is a big bug squash! The idea is to knock out as many bugs as possible and have as much fun as possible doing it. If a bug takes more than 30 minutes to fix, then we move on to the next one. Also, invites will be going out locally for an introduction to Tiki presentation on Saturday afternoon followed by refreshments. Hope lots of people can make it! Remote participation is also possible for those that can't. Find complete information at TikiFestNY.

until TikiFestNY! is over

See you there!

TikiFest Barcelona Community Review

Vladislava Mašková -

The purpose of this news package was to help with the promotion of the project. I wanted to do it through the people. It would be nice to interview everyone there but that was impossible. I also had to choose more easy tone and introduce the open source itself for those who has no idea what open source is. I hope in the near future we will be able to create longer program about you guys and TikiWiki. At least this is my wish.


Feb'09 TikiFests: from Madrid to Montreal - Participate!

TikiFest Amateur Recorder -
This month lots of activity is going on through several TikiFests. Sometimes we are able to provide Live streaming from them, besides the irc channel (see TikiFests page).

In addition, sometimes a video camera is available and some better videos are recorded to allow (re)viewing calmly what was presented, discussed or decided on those fest... Have you already see the videos from the past TikiFestMadrid ? 😊

Feel free to participate as much as possible even if you cannot attend in person.

There are many ways to participate from where you are even if you are not a coder, since very frequently testing is needed, and documentation needs to be updated with the things many people like you learn during the tikifest or know beforehand which are related to the things in the TikiFest agenda.

So, why not providing you two cents back to the community with this distant participation, while meeting the coders behind TikiWiki CMS/Groupware in action?

Nominate TikiWiki for Open Source CMS Award

Rick - - (7749 Reads)

You can help nominate TikiWiki for a 2008 Open Source CMS Award. Nominations now being taken!

The Packt Open Source Content Management System Award is designed to encourage, support, recognize and reward Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS) that have been selected by a panel of judges and visitors to www.PacktPub.com. Now entering its third year, the Award has established itself as an important measure for quality and the popularity of Open Source Content Management Systems.

You can nominate Tiki for the following awards:

Additionally, you nominate someone from the TikiWiki community for an Open Source CMS MVP award. This is designed to recognize the contributions to projects made by individuals that often go unnoticed.

Nominations end October 26.

Need Help? - Now at Doc.Tikiwiki.org Upgrade - Install - Backup

mlpvolt -

This March, Tikiwiki Editorial Board members mlpvolt and dthacker are organizing a doc project to renew the basic documentation for Installing, Upgrading and Backing Up Tikiwiki. We are coordinating this with some of our lead developers, but we need your help so everyone can Get Help. Everyone can contribute both questions and answers. Our goal is to provide a more effective and efficient alternative to the Tikiwiki forums Copied pages in Tikwiki.org will be closed and redirected to the identical pages on doc.tikiwiki.org to prevent wasted effort and misinformation. If you have any questions on this doc project, add them to the Basic Docs Project FAQ

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