More precisely, there have been 1127 commits to the code via CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) by the following 40 developers: amette, ang23, damosoft, fmathias, franck, georger_br, gunnarre, hartsa1, ice8878, jdrexler, jmaspons, k2s, lfagundes, lmoss, lorfds, luciash, marclaporte, markusvk, marylly, mcfarland, mose, nhuffschmid, ohertel, orionrobots, redflo, rhwinter, rischconsulting, rlpowell, runix2, rv540, sampaioprimo, sylvieg, telenieko, thenano, toggg, tombombadilom, wesleywillians, wings-of-glory, xaman, xavidp.

And that is not counting work on the next major version of Tiki, Codename 1.10 Arcturus!

In terms of features, you should think of it as Tiki 19.4 instead of Tiki 1.9.4 😊

The changelog is 45 printed pages!! Plus, it is so long to go through hundreds of code commit logs to make sure the changelog is up to date, that too often (in the rush to get a release out), the changelog is missing some stuff (!)

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