Tiki 8.5 and 9.1 Released
Rick -
The Tiki 8.5 release represents the final release for the 8.x series. No additional work is planned for the 8.x series. The Tiki 9.x series is planned to be supported (as a Long Term Support) series until November 2015 (or upon the release of Tiki 16).
Both releases (8.5 and 9.1) include several fixes and updates, including a security patch first reported by Lukas Reschke regarding an optional Tiki feature, swfupload, first introduced in Tiki 7.0.
Tiki admins are highly encouraged to upgrade to Tiki 8.5 or 9.1. As a workaround, Tiki admins can set the Upload progress bar option to None in order to secure their sites. See the Tiki Release Notes (http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes) for complete information.
To download these newest releases (or any Tiki release), visit the Tiki download page at http://tiki.org/download.